Father, thank You for Your guiding presence throughout my day yesterday. I was able to get so much done. With the wedding this weekend, I needed to have everything ready to go for Sunday and with Your help it all got taken care of. Please be with us as we travel today. May your presence permeate the rehearsal and the wedding tomorrow. May it be a wonderful uniting of two beautiful souls but may You be gloried from beginning to end. Amen.

Hebrews 11:5-6 (<<click here)

Lord, as I delve more into the ‘faith” chapter and read of individuals who believed Your promises to them though they died before seeing them fully fulfilled, I have to think about my faith.

First, I have to think through what are Your promises to me and what are my hopes and wishes – my expectations. At least for me that’s not necessarily set in black and white.

One thing is for sure, even through my ups and downs, You have been with me. In some ways, my life has not turned out as I expected it to. But…regardless of what I thought, I have a wonderful life! I have far too many blessings to count. My life is not the picture I had anticipated but the good times, the hard times, the gut wrenching times – they have all been used by You to create this beautiful panorama I call my life.

Yes, faith is sometimes believing in the fulfillment of a specific promise but, for me at least, faith is a way of life. It is a mindset that says, “Lord here I am. I trust You. Take what little I have. Use it for Your glory. Take all the pieces and parts and bring into existence the grand masterpiece that You foresee.”

Thank You, Lord, for all You do and all You are!

May 13th, Fri, 6:37 am