I am simply overwhelmed and humbled. I realize the sheer volume of reading material that can come to us on any given day and I am grateful that so many of you have taken the time to read what has been laid upon my heart. It is my prayer that in reading you be challenged to listen to what God may be saying to you and that you would take up that challenge to move on what God may be encouraging you to do.

I am astounded at how many people have been reached by the Facebook posts of the blog alone (580!), individuals from all over OH, IN, KY, MI, NJ, NY, TX and WV. And even more astounding is that fact that of that number, several from around the world have looked at it – people from Australia, Botswana, China, Germany, Guatemala and India – almost every continent! Only God knows what this “casting upon the water” (Ecclesiastes 11:1) will accomplish! And God can use any of us to accomplish His will. Any of us can touch the world, from individuals in our own homes to countless others around the globe.

I would ask if this blog has ministered to you that you would pass it along to others. “Invite” your friends on Facebook to like my page. Send the website address to friends via email. There is so much pain and loneliness in this old world and I pray that God will continue to use the blog to speak to people far beyond my local circles of influence, that they may be drawn closer to the only true Answer to all that life has to throw at us – Jesus Christ! May God bless my efforts to His glory and may he bless you today as well!