In the quiet of this morning, I join You, Father. You have been awaiting my arrival. May I take advantage and cherish very moment that we have together. May I be a hearer and a doer of Your word. Amen

James 4:11-12 (<<click here)

“If you criticize and judge each other, then you are criticizing and judging God’s law.”

When thinking this passage through, Lord, I have to first remind myself of what the Law boils down to. When You were asked what the most important commandment was, You succinctly summarized the law down to the word “Love” – loving You with all of our heart, soul and mind and right along with it – loving each other. Matthew 22:35-40

We are called to, first of all, love You and out of that love we are to love others. There are no exceptions. There is no time off. Love God, love others – period. It’s not complicated but it’s not easy either!

Lord, as I examine my life, there is not a single day that goes by when I am not critical or judgmental of someone – the person who doesn’t know how to drive, the one who doesn’t hold the same political perspective as I do, the individual who doesn’t do things at work the way I think they should be done, the server who doesn’t keep my drink filled to my satisfaction in a restaurant, the loved one who doesn’t meet my level of expectations, the audacity someone would have to not live out their relationship with You the way I think they should. Boy, that list was way too easy to write out! And worse, I could go on!!

First of all, I’m sorry – forgive me…

Secondly, this is too ingrained in my brain to take on and eradicate on my own.  I need You and Your power. Your love in me is the only way I can overcome the lifestyle of criticism and judgmentalism. I’ve heard Your word, help me to be a doer.

Sept 27th, Tues, 6:37 am