Good morning, Father! I am so grateful for Your hand upon my shoulder throughout the day, yesterday. Your palpable presence was invigorating and such an encouragement! I know You are always with me, but yesterday was just extra special. Thank You!

1 Peter 1:17b (<<click here)

“… live in reverent fear of [the heavenly Father] during your time as foreigners in the land.”

Lord, as I look at this passage this morning the word “fear” sticks out. It brings to mind many possible definitions. It seems that when we see the word fear, our minds automatically home in on being afraid. Even as I ponder the many facets of it, my mind is everywhere.

First of all, Peter writesreverent fear.” My study Bible* notes emphasize its meaning as the “healthy respect…for the all- powerful God.” This is definitely a very important aspect in our relationship with God.

Over the years I’ve heard it illustrated in comparison to a “healthy respect” for fire or electricity. Both of these things can greatly enhance our lives…but we must be cautious. They are both very powerful and if they are interacted with in an improper manner, suffering can take place – even death.

God is all powerful and we must interact with Him with the utmost of respect. But we cannot be afraid of Him to the point of avoiding him or cowering in His presence. He loves us with such intensity that we can’t truly comprehend it. He desires not to harm us but for us to grow in Him and to love Him in return.

I guess the one area that we must guard against most is losing that reverent aspect of our interactions. He is our God. He is our Savior. Scripture tells us he is our friend (John 15:15, James 2:23) and we rejoice in that fact! But I don’t think we should ever consider Him as our “buddy”. That idea seems to knock the reverence right out of it.

Lord, You are many things to us. You love us beyond measure and we love You, too. But we would ask that we would hold You in his best regard. We are blessed and honored that You should call us friend. Amen

Nov 2nd, Wed, 5:51 am