Sitting here, Father, many things have passed through my mind – situations, people, etc. In my quiet time with You, my mind has been anything but. In spite of the rumbling of my brain, while I’ve sat here in silence, I have prayed for some of those things and I have the calm assurance that all is well in Your hands. Thank You, Father.

Lord, in reading through a Puritan prayer this morning this phrase sticks out.

The memory of my great sins, my many temptations, my falls,
      bring afresh into my mind the remembrance
            of thy great help, of thy support from heaven,
            of thy great grace that saved such a wretch as I am.

I know, Lord, that when it comes to the failings in my past that when asked You forgive…and You forget – my sins are as far as the east is from the west. But I still remember.

This section in The Valley of Vision is a grouping of prayers of penitence and deprecation. It’s tough to read through but it helps to keep my spiritual walk in a correct perspective.

Today’s reading does just that. Memories of improprieties are unavoidable but may each thought be followed by memories of Your help, support, and grace. These things are freely given to me in bounteous supply! May I cherish them. May I hold them close to my heart, for Your love is what saves me. May I never forget. Amen.

Dec 7th, Wed, 6:26 am