Father, it is very quiet this morning and for so little happening in the half hour, I’ve been up, my mind is darting here and there. Help me to focus on You – not the weather, not the work day ahead, not even church tomorrow. May I focus on You and our relationship and what You would have me hear today.

1 Peter 3:1-6 (<<click here)

Lord, when it comes right down to it our relationship with You is what is most important. Sharing our faith is important but if our relationship with You is wishy-washy how effective will we be? So many times all of our emphasis seems to be on the external when again the internal is of utmost importance.

In this passage, Peter was speaking directly to women. In the culture in which they lived, men, by far, held the dominant role. They were in charge – women had no say. So Peter’s advice to women who came to saving faith in Christ was to live it out. Harping, preaching, nagging, brow beating would only result in problems. Living out “godly lives” would “speak… without any words.” By cultivating their relationship with You, Lord, wives could “win over” their husbands when the husbands observed their “pure and reverent lives.”

Lord, that is sound advice for us all. It seems that many in our culture are becoming more and more intolerant of any reference to You, Jesus. In many situations harping, preaching, nagging and brow beating only results in problems. But a life wholly devoted to You, one in which our goal is to emulate You in every aspect of our lives – that speaks volumes. “Without any words” we are able to proclaim the difference that You make in our lives.

Lord, enable me to “win over” those around me as they observe my “pure and reverent” life. Amen.

Dec 17th, Sat 4:48 am