Good morning, Father. Right at the onset of a new week, I want to have the mindset that I am giving myself over to You. You see the big picture. You know me best and can direct me in the way I should go. When I was in college one of the verses I had on a sticky note posted at my desk was Proverbs 16:9, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” I am so grateful for Your presence in my life.

2 Peter 1:12-15 (<<click here)

In the previous verses, Peter laid out a course of action that we as followers of You, Lord, should be constantly in pursuit. They are the basics of the faith that we have in You. My study Bible once again puts forth a solid application. (It is a Life Application Study Bible after all!)

I am not athletically inclined whatsoever. Those who know me well know this to be the case. I did not participate in athletics growing up and for the most part, I am not one to spend a great deal of time even watching athletics. But I am not totally disconnected from the important role that athletics play in the lives of many individuals. One thing we hear regularly is the fact that to be a good athlete you must always be about the basics. No matter how good you are, you are never too far along to not have to go back to the fundamentals of your particular sport.

As believers, Lord, we “must not neglect the basics of [our] faith, even as [we] go on to study deeper truths. Just as an athlete needs constant practice, Christians need constant reminders of the fundamentals of our faith and of how we came to believe in the first place.”

“Coach” Peter realizes that his time is short and he is determined to make sure his “team” is ready for the “game” ahead – the game we call life. As every good coach knows, in order to have a team that gets the job done, you have to have a team that has a solid foundation of the core disciplines of the game.

Lord, may I be more and more like You. Challenge me. Stretch me. Grow me. But I would ask that You would help me to realize that I am never too far along to not have to go back to the fundamentals of my faith. Amen

Mar 13th, Mon, 5:11 am