grace and peace

Thank You Father, for that extra 30 minutes of light thoughts. Just the comfort of closing my eyes helped!  Let’s see what you have for me today!

Philippians 1:1-2

Grace and peace…

Grace – God’s unmerited favor to us

In Paul’s simple greeting he asks that we receive Your grace. Simple, but by no means shallow!  Where would I be without Your grace!  It is truly AMAZING!! Thank You, that You extend Your favor to me, I definitely don’t deserve it but You give it to me over and over again. When I’m good, when I’m bad, thoughtless, loving, careless, ignorant, when I fail, fall, stumble.  When I’m obedient and do what is pleasing in Your sight – You always extend Your grace! I’m grateful – help me to live out my life in gratitude.

Peace – to be complete and sound – a right relationship with God.

Not just an absence of conflict but a completeness found only in a right relationship with You. Lord, I would ask that today, no matter what comes my way, that I would have a peace in my life that can only be found and lived out in You. May the peace lived out in my life be a witness to You and bring You glory!

May 11th, Monday, 6:33 am