Good evening, Father. This weekend has been full. I am weary but it is important that I sit down with You. I am listening – may I hear what You would say to me. Amen.

I’ve begun a sermon series on the importance of the Holy Spirit playing an ever present role in our lives. As I preached through my sermon for the second time this morning, a closing paragraph grabbed my heart. I pray that those who hear what You lay upon my heart, Lord, are moved by You. Quite often I am moved in preparation and it is definitely not unusual that I am moved when I preach as well.

The paragraph, penned by Wes Humble when he was pastoring in Newark, Ohio some years ago, reads as follows:

“God I need you. I need you to keep changing me. I need you to make me more like you. I need you to help me love others like you. I need you to help me overcome my addiction. I need you to help me forgive. I need you to give me the right words to say at home, to my neighbor, to my friend. I need you to use me. I need you to work through me.”

The phrase “I need You…” occurs nine times in that short paragraph. I stressed to those listening this morning, that that concept is the crux of our walk with Christ. We lack the ability to walk alone. We will fail without You, Lord. We are utterly incapable of doing what we should do without You as a part of the equation.

As the week begins, Lord, I place myself squarely in line with You.  You state in Your Holy Word,

“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  Matthew 11:29-30

Holy Spirit, guide me, direct me, stop me, encourage me, use me. “I need You…”

Aug 13th, Sun, 9:29 pm