Father, thank You for the provision that only You can bring – my salvation and Your mercy and grace. I am who I am and am where I am solely because of You. Praise Your holy name!

Matthew 1:18-19 (<<click the green)

Lord, Your Father’s choice as to whom Your earthly father would be was spot on (as is everything Your Father does!). Just in these couple of verses we see the kind of person that Joseph was. Verse 19 states that he was a “good man”. He was a devout man – he knew all the rules and regulations – and Mary had seemingly crossed some very serious lines. He obviously would have been implicated in her pregnancy, which was a serious implication, to say the least. Intense shame would have been upon them both but strict adherence to the Law could easily have meant the death of them both.

Knowing he had nothing to do with the pregnancy, Joseph would have had every right to be upset. Any man in his situation would understandably feel angry and betrayed. But that was not his response. Being the “good man” that he was, his love for Mary was more than his love for preserving his pride – his reputation even…and that is some very strong love! Instead of defending his innocence, he instead decided “to break the engagement quietly.” Being a “good man” truly is an understatement!

Lord, You are God’s son, yes, but though it may be difficult to comprehend it all, Joseph had a great impact on You as Your earthly father, as all fathers do. Joseph was a “good man” in so many ways. Even before You were born, he loved others more than himself – what an example.

Lord, thank You for the examples You have set before us. Even before meeting You, Joseph lived out his relationship with his God, as we are all called to do. With Your touch and models of people like Joseph may I do no less. Amen.

Sept 11th, Mon, 6:39 am