Father, help me to make the most of our time together this morning. As I open Your word, speak to me. I open my heart and mind to You. (Sorry for the FB tangent…You’ve got my undivided attention now.)

Philippians 1:27-30

Unity – standing strong – spread the Good News – not intimidated by enemies – persevere in struggles

(This is why Facebook and replying to texts [even from Mom] need to wait – my brain is rolling but not in the right direction!)

I know I’ve had struggles but looking back on them even all the pastoral transitions seem so small. Sometimes it seems that I’ve lived in a bubble. I’m not complaining whatsoever, Lord. You have surely blessed me and my family.  Help us all to never forget where those blessings have come from. We didn’t earn it, we didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t a reward for perfection (for we surely aren’t!) All the praise goes to You, Lord! Thank you for Your watch-care and Love!

I realize that this morning I got distracted and didn’t listen when You called to come together (forgive me) but I am grateful that You spoke yesterday and You enabled me to respond and act. Thank You for the privilege of praying with and encouraging a gentlemen from church in so much pain (please touch him, Lord!) and for encouraging me to speak with a friend at work (help her to come to You to stand strong in You, to defeat the enemy of pain and hurt and the struggles of life so big for a lady her age. Touch her today, Lord, let her know of Your love and care in a tangible way.)

Help me to be more attuned to You each and every day!  Love You!!

May 15th, Fri, 7:50 am