Father, as I do every day, I need You. May everything I encounter today be filtered through You. May I walk close beside You and listen closely to Your word. Amen.

Matthew 11: 16-19 (<<click the green)

Lord Jesus, the attitude of Your generation sure sounds a lot like this generation. My study Bible* states,

“No matter what [Jesus] said or did, they took the opposite view. They were cynical and skeptical because he challenged their comfortable, secure, and self-centered lives. Too often we justify our inconsistencies because listening to God may require us to change the way we live.”

It’s all about me! Do it my way and…I might…accept you. Of course, another element in this generation is tolerance…but most often that means as long as you agree with my perspective then I am tolerant of you.

I believe that for the most part SIN = SELFISHNESS. Our culture doesn’t help but in the end, it truly is our decision and we can blame no one else. We alone feed the monster of self. We are the ones who choose to meet our wants and desires above those of others.

Love is what flips it on its head. Lord, when we love You – with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength – and we love others – as ourselves – that’s when sin is squelched. (Luke 10:27)

Lord, help me to fight that selfishness in my life. I am around it all the time, watch it on TV, hear it on the radio – selfishness permeates our society. The more time I spend with You the more that I will become like You. Make it be so!

Apr 3rd,2018, Tues, 7:02 am