Father, the quiet of the early morning hours is my favorite time to be with You. My mind and body are fresh. My thoughts are not cluttered. A new day, a clean slate – Father I give it to You. Help me to keep You at the forefront of my mind. Use me this day as You will.

2 Timothy 2:1 (<<click here)

“…be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus.”

My Study Bible* expounds on this verse by stating that “just as we are saved by God’s grace…we should live by it. This means trusting completely in Christ and his power, and not trying to live for Christ in our strength alone.”

Lord, as I ponder on this it affirms what You have taught me in recent months. I still have my days but no matter how strongly I feel about serving You – living for You – I am incapable of doing so with my resources. There is absolutely no wisdom in doing so! My resources are limited and in no time at all they are exhausted. But as Fanny Crosby penned,

“Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ
            Wealth that can never be told!
            Riches exhaustless of mercy and grace,
            Precious, more precious than gold!”

Help me, Lord, to remember that I do not have to live for You with my little reserves but You want me to draw from Your unlimited unsearchable riches!

Lord, enable me to fully grasp the concept that it is not prudent to simply “refuel” when I am running low. To be victorious in my struggle to remain true to You in this life I need to maintain a direct fuel line to the reservoir of Your grace and power. Thank You, Lord for loving me. I am ultimately dependent upon You!

Nov 1st, Sun, 6:24 am

*New Living Testament Life Application Bible