Good morning, Father! Though I am weary, there is no place I would rather be than in Your presence. Bless me. Teach me. Fill me. Amen.

2 Timothy 3:10-13  (<<click here)

No matter what, Lord, I want to please You. Help me to stay strong in my faith. Enable me to continue to passionately pursue You. These times that we have together have totally changed my life. I have followed You for decades. But I have struggled; I have been defeated again and again. I am still, by no means, perfect but ever since this past spring, things are different. And all the credit goes to You! You love me so much – You never gave up on me. You pursued me – You wooed me… and here I am. I still struggle. I still loose battles but I am no longer defeated. In Your sustaining grace I cast my failings behind me and continue to move ever forward. My strength is in You.

But Paul assures us that “Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” vs.12 In expounding upon these thoughts, my study Bible *state “Don’t give up, Continue to live as You should. God is the only one you need to please. “ Lord, may my faith remain firmly with You . May I grow in Your wisdom and discernment. Live through me. Touch others through me. I am Yours, Lord, use me as You will.

December 12th, Saturday, 6:45 am