See Between the Lines

Father, it is a beautiful day of new beginnings. I give it all over to You. May you use my life as You see fit for Your glory! Amen!


Keeping my eyes on the move is essential to keeping my invaluable cargo safe while driving my school bus. But more often than not, I see all kinds of things that are not threats but just cool things to see!

This morning a fox ran across the road in front of me. Last week a pheasant did the same thing. Rabbits and squirrels are everywhere this time of year. I often see deer. I see a great variety of birds all the time and even saw a Pileated Woodpecker on an old stump a while back.

I see them but do my students see any of them? …very rarely. If I see a deer in a field on a backroad, I quite often will point it out to my elementary kids. But all in all, they are absorbed in their phones or napping or playing/conversing with their friends. Who has time to look out the windows? What would you normally see? Rocks and trees! …as someone near and dear to my heart would say!

A phrase I have used in the past is that, as followers of Christ, it is of the utmost importance that we need learn to see between the lines. Far too often we are self-absorbed. We only see what pertains to us, and pretty much nothing else.

Recently I was watching a show and an FBI agent was talking with a boy about his older sister’s disappearance. They had normally walked to school together, but he had told his mother he was sick and didn’t go with her that day. Just by looking at him, the agent could tell – she saw between the lines – that there was something he wanted to say. When she probed a little bit, he shared that he hadn’t been sick and in turn blamed himself for his sister’s abduction.

That’s a simple example but throughout our daily routines, there is a good chance that our paths will cross with someone who is hurting, someone who needs something that we can provide. And we can do so if we are paying attention…if we are seeing between the lines of their lives.

Many times, those “things” are not easily discerned. We may need to ask a few questions to “prime the pump” if you will. But…if we are not looking, we cannot see. If our eyes are constantly on what interests us, we will fall short of seeing the needs of others. We may think we don’t have time to look out the windows of our lives but oh the things we miss because we don’t! Oh, the lives we could touch if we did!

Do you not say, ‘It is still four months until the harvest comes?’ Look, I say to you, raise your eyes and look at the fields and see, they are white for harvest. John 4:35 AMP

You just never know how the Lord could use you…see between the lines!

Apr 26th, 2021, Mon, 12:20 pm

One Step Closer to the Precipice

Father, I need You tonight. Things have been a little tough today. Personal stuff has taken a few bites out of me – some things I’ve brought upon myself and other things are, unfortunately, just a part of where life finds me. I cast myself upon your mercy and grace.

John 3:31-36 (<<click here to read the passage)

Life is all about choices. We can’t choose what life throws at us but each day we chose how we will respond to what life gives us. Many of us wield more power than we think. Someone tells us we need to do something, and we can acquiesce and go along but it is equally within our power to not cooperate. No matter how insane our choices might be, we ultimately decide.

Now I realize there are extenuating circumstances, but your average man and woman determine what they will and will not do…

I caught the glimpse of a video today in which someone asked the question, “Would a loving God really send anyone to the eternal damnation of hell?” The person being questioned answered, “No.” And you may be shocked but that was an absolutely correct answer!

By our own choice, we are condemned. Every person to ever walk this earth by the very nature of our being is separated from God. Just a few verses back, John stated,

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17 NKJV

But you see there is the catch…that is where we draw the line. We don’t want to believe in His only begotten Son. Every second of our lives we are one step closer to being swept over the precipice which will cast us into eternity. It is as if we are flailing about in the overwhelming current of life, screaming, “I can do it myself! I don’t need Your help! Others will help me!” …but there is no one else…for everyone else finds themselves in the same predicament in which we find ourselves.

And all we have to do is believe!

…anyone who believes in God’s Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesn’t obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God’s angry judgment.” John 3:36 NLT

Far too often we chose to white-knuckle grip all of the things we have amassed, all the worldly things that time will destroy. Our wealth, our cars, our homes…in the end they are utterly worthless. But time and time again we sacrifice not only the love that others have for us but most importantly God’s love as well! All because we will not yield to love!

God sends no one to their eternal condemnation. We alone determine that.

Lord Jesus, may we give up our selfishness and pride in submission to love. For as the Apostle John said in his epistle,

The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.] 1 John 4:8 AMP

Read that again!

True love is all about giving ourselves over to God’s love. Selfishness cannot coexist with it! Pride is cast out in its presence! You cannot do it on your own! Submit to God and live! He is your only hope!

Apr 25th, 2021, Sun, 8:19 pm

Out of the Deep Miry Clay!

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
….and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
….out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
….and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
….a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
….They will put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:1-3 NLT

There are times when I feel it’s just better to share a psalm to open my writing time and tonight was one to those times. As I read through the text, as is often the case, it brought a song to mind, an old hymn to be exact.

The hymn is entitled, He Brought Me Out. The text was written by Henry J. Zelley in 1898 with its refrain penned by Henry Gilmour, who by the way also wrote its tune.

This particular hymn became a favorite of mine in my youth. Growing up in the Church of the Nazarene, at least in the area in which I lived, we added some extra words to the refrain… (they are noted in the brackets)

He brought me out of the [deep] miry clay,
He set my feet on the [solid] Rock to stay;
He puts a song in my [happy] soul today,
A song of praise, hallelujah!

It has a very upbeat tune while clearly proclaiming truths of our salvation.

So many of the songs we sing both traditional and contemporary convey the truth of scripture giving us a means of praising God for His mighty attributes, as well as, giving vibrant testimony of the transforming work of God in our lives. Our music also encourages us to pass along those things – God’s attributes and our testimony – to the world around us.

Living out our faith is key! Being a facsimile of that faith is not nearly as impacting! The world needs a genuine article, not a cheap copy. Just going through the motions accomplishes very little but even the smallest things we do that are the real deal can have life long-lasting influence on the people we interact with day-in and day-out.

We were born in sin and could not escape on our own – the deep miry clay.

But thanks be to God, He brought us out and set our feet on the solid rock to stay.

And because of that, He puts a song in our happy soul today…a song of praise, hallelujah!

If we do that…

Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
….They will put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:3 NLT

(If you’d like to hear a pretty decent rendition of it, click the title below to listen to a video of the First Assembly of God Church in Van Buren, Arkansas singing it – though they don’t add the extra text.)

He Brought Me Out

My heart was distressed
’Neath Jehovah’s dread frown,
And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down;
I cried to the Lord from the deep miry clay,
Who tenderly brought me out to golden day.


He brought me out of the miry clay,
He set my feet on the Rock to stay;
He puts a song in my soul today,
A song of praise, hallelujah!

He placed me upon the strong Rock by His side,
My steps were established and here I’ll abide;
No danger of falling while here I remain,
But stand by His grace until the crown I gain.


He gave me a song, ’twas a new song of praise;
By day and by night its sweet notes I will raise;
My heart’s overflowing, I’m happy and free.
I’ll praise my Redeemer, who has rescued me.


I’ll sing of His wonderful mercy to me,
I’ll praise Him till all men His goodness shall see;
I’ll sing of salvation at home and abroad,
Till many shall hear the truth and trust in God.


Apr 22nd, 2021, Thurs, 8:40 pm

Unique Amongst the Millions!

Many may frown but though it is spring snow is a beautiful blanket over Your creation, Father. Thank You for the reminder that though we control so much, that You are sovereign overall!


As I drove my route this morning, I saw field after field of white, it got me thinking. Now there may be some very technically detailed people who would disagree but all in all, pretty much every single flake that made it to the ground was unique! And that got me to thinking, how many snowflakes would it take to add up to what we got last night? That involves quite a bit of math, but I found an interesting video clip put out about a year ago by COSI, officially the Center of Science and Industry. It is a science museum and research center in Columbus, Ohio (just down the road a bit from home!) The video clip was entitled, “How Many Snowflakes Make an Inch of Snow?” (<<Click on the title to watch it. It’s geared toward kids, so it’s about 3½ minutes long.)
Director of Science Content, Marci Howdyshell, greatly simplified the math but it works well enough to give us an idea of how many snowflakes make up a snowfall. She, for comprehension’s sake, guesstimated that one square inch of snow would comprise 1,000 snowflakes. I did the calculations and discovered that if we had 4¼ inches of snow last night on our 5.1-acre lot alone, that would add up to 136 billion snowflakes! (136 with 9 zeros!) That’s just crazy!
I put about 40 miles on my bus this morning! Just think, there were probably billions upon billions of snowflakes on the ground just within my sight! And to realize that for the most part, every single one of them was unique!
You…and I…we are unique – every single one of us! It is easy to get it in our heads that we are just one of millions. We are, but we are unique! God made us – each of us – to be exactly who we were made to be. There are no mistakes. We are special. He made us to love Him. And He made us to live out our lives on this old earth with a purpose! Besides loving Him, we are to love one another. There are so many people who need love – many don’t feel loved at all.
We are called to point others to God by how we live. If we are devoted to following God with everything we have – loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength – that love will radiate out from us drawing people to God. And just like snowflakes, if we joined our efforts for God’s Kingdom, we could cover the whole world with His love! Amen! (And that means “so be it”!)

Apr 21st, 2021, Wed, 12:45 pm

An Apples to Oranges Comparison

Father, as we anticipate another wintery blast tonight after so many days enjoying the beauty of spring may we not be dependent on warmth anywhere but in Your presence. We find security in Your love and the sacrifice that enabled us to embrace it. Amen.

John 3:22-30 (<<click here to read the passage)

There is a pastoral acquaintance of mine whom I hold in the highest regard. He has been serving at a nice size church not too awful far away from where I am. He is young. He is creative. He has a charisma about him that makes people want to get on board and follow him wherever he may lead. He is inspirational in the way he leads his parish and to his fellow pastors…at least to me.

I would guess that I am 15 to 20 years his senior and though I have faithfully served my one church for almost twenty years, I’ve seen nothing take place as he has. In a lot of ways, it’s an apples to oranges comparison, and really it is not fair to even begin comparing them to each other.

He and I are different people with different gifts and abilities. Our congregations differ as well. It would be so easy to feel downhearted or, even worse, jealous of what he has accomplished in just a few years. But I don’t feel that way.

If anything, it brings me great joy to see him at his calling (I’ve watched a few of his virtual services). He is exuberant and in reality, it is contagious! It is exceedingly obvious that the Lord is with him. The genuineness of his faith in Christ exudes a glorious life that one cannot help but be drawn, too. I pray the Lord continues to fill and bless his ministry for years to come!

John was first on the scene, as well. At this point in his life, Jesus was moving forward with His calling and John’s ministry was shifting. Unbeknownst to him, very soon his life would be forfeit much in part because of his obedience to his calling.

But, please note, he most definitely was not discouraged and the green tinge of envy coloring nothing of his persona whatsoever. John’s reply when Jesus’ success was brought to his attention?

“No one can receive anything unless God gives it from heaven. You yourselves know how plainly I told you, ‘I am not the Messiah. I am only here to prepare the way for him.’ It is the bridegroom who marries the bride, and the bridegroom’s friend is simply glad to stand with him and hear his vows. Therefore, I am filled with joy at his success. He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” John 3:27-30 AMP

Lord Jesus, may we avoid feeding jealousy in our lives. May we instead focus on the calling You have given us and be filled with joy at the success You give to others. Each of us has our callings to fulfill! Amen.

Apr 20th, 2021, 7:55 pm

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