Father, I need more of Your help this morning. I praise You for Your touch earlier but I am dependent upon You to get me through the rest of this day. You are the solid rock upon which I build my life. I know I will not fail if my eyes are kept on You. Thank You, Father.
1 Peter 2:21-25 (<<click here)
Lord, we don’t like anything that makes us uncomfortable but this life is full of struggle and pain. Many things come our way that we have no control over. There are times, too, when we bring suffering upon ourselves – we sin and often it is just because we do things that are not too bright. But as my study Bible* points out we often suffer but that’s not what Peter is speaking of here.
Using Christ as the ultimate example, he is speaking of suffering for doing good. Christ did not sin. He led a life of service and love. Even when he was confrontational with the religious leaders of his day, it was not done out of hate but out of love. He was trying to wake them up – trying to bring them from the darkness into light.
So, You Lord, were sinless but just because You did everything right that didn’t mean You could avoid suffering for the good You did. And no one could have blamed You if You had struck out in retaliation or revenge. You surely had the power to do so…but You didn’t. You left the judging to Your Father – who always does so fairly. Regardless of the pain, You did what needed to be done – You carried our sins to the cross – every single one of them. So that, as Peter says “we can be dead to sin and live for what is right.”
Lord, help me to die to sin and to “live for what is right.” It will not always be sunshine and roses but You will be with me all along the way, for You have already traveled the path and You will not forsake me. Amen.
Dec 13th, Tues, 5:25 am
*New Living Translation Life Application Bible