Tag: relationship

Going After God’s Heart

What a beautiful day to watch the beautiful birds of Your creation, Father, flocking to the feeders outside my office window! May my eyes never tire of their beauty! Colossians 3:1-4 (<<click here to read the passage)...

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Filthy Rags

(Please pardon the lack of posts over the last couple of days – we had a death in the family, and I’ve been otherwise occupied. I appreciate your understanding.) Thank You, Father, for Your hand upon our shoulders as we have...

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Sidle Up Close

Father, we are trusting You with all the many aspects of our lives. Grant us patience, love, and compassion in all we do. Amen. 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 (<<click here to read the passage) Every time it happens, I am amazed! My...

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Of Forklifts and Eternity

I am still worn out from everything we had on over the last several days, but with Your help, Father, I will see where You are leading me today! ******** While in Texas, I was the one who waited for the storage container to be...

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Stand Solid and Firm

And the week continues with multiple elements! Thank You, Father, for enabling me to accomplish so much. Your focus and direction have gotten me to where I am! All praise to You! ******** This morning, on one of the many rural...

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Elusive Peace

I need this time together, Father. Speak to my weary soul. Use this brain of mine to communicate Your word to a world in search of it, whether they realize it or not. Amen. 1 Corinthians 1:3 (<<click here to read the...

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Maximilian Sunflowers

It was a beautiful day, Father, on so many fronts! It began with good times of worship at our churches and progressed into an enjoyable time with family. Please bless our time together. May I clearly hear Your words. Amen....

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The Importance of Maintenance

My body is weary this evening, Father. Some good and solid labor in the heat and humidity of the day has taken its toll. Thank You, for the ability to labor. Thank You for the energy to help see the task to completion. ********...

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In a Pickle?

Thank You, Father, for the unexpected surprise at the dentist. What I thought was…wasn’t! I will surely take it! All praise to You! 1 John 4:1-3 (<<click here to read the passage) For the most part people today...

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Invest Your Time

Father, it has been a taxing last several days. My mind and body are weary, but I want to put forth Your word clearly so that others will get a glimpse of You. Amen. 2 Peter 1:1-2 (<<click here) “May God give you more and...

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