Tag: anger


Some days are more challenging than others, Father, and this day is a toughie! I’ve already been awake for over two hours and am still trying to corral my mind. Help my attention to be drawn to You and set aside other things (of...

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I Am a Cup

I’m not exactly sure what he said, but a radio preacher got my mind going down a particular track. The end result was – I am a cup. (Profound, huh?) At the beginning of each day, I get to fill it with whatever I want. It is a...

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Give Away Your Wealth!

Thank you, Father, for Your time frame. There have been things that I have been dealing with, and in good time, You are taking care of things. Help me to stay close, for You are the true way! Amen. 1 Timothy 6:17-19...

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Reign It In!

Father, I’ve struggled the last couple of days, and this evening, I call out to You. I need Your strength and determination to keep me set apart for You. I admit I am weak. I am fallible. I have not “crashed and burned,” but...

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I Have Issues!

Father, as this day begins, I want to consciously hand it over to You. You have truly – miraculously – changed many things in me for the better. But we both know that You are not finished with me. Father, please help me be the...

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Thank You, Father, for Your presence. I cherish these times of special interaction and am grateful that You are with me 24/7. I would ask that I have an ongoing realization of that fact every day. Please be a guiding force in...

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This day has been a little everywhere, it seems. Father, I would ask that You bring my mind into order. Use me to communicate what You need to communicate. Amen. 1 Corinthians 15:12-28 (<<click here to read the passage)...

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What Good Will It Do?

There’s a lot on my plate, Father, with many things needing to be accomplished in a short period. Please help me focus on our time together and then get at the other things promptly and productively. Amen. ******** A middle...

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Tunnel Vision Mindsets

I am grateful for Your presence, Father. The direction I need to go is clear with You close at hand. May I always be mindful of that. Amen. 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 (<<click here to read the passage) One of the greatest...

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Love Is Not Provoked

It was a day of family gatherings; thank You for that blessing, Father. Be with us all, as only You can be. Amen. 1 Corinthians 13:5b (<<click here to read the passage) [Love] is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and...

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