Father, what a wonderful weekend You have given me! It is indeed a rarity when Karen and I can spend a whole day together. We are truly blessed. On this Sabbath may we not just experience Your presence in a mighty way in worship – twice! – but may we feel You with us all day long! Amen!

1 Peter 3:22 (<<click here)

As I read this one verse, Lord, it is not incomprehensible but it is easily grasped. Simply put, shortly after Your resurrection You went to heaven and are “seated in the place of honor next to God.” For believers, a simple concept.

But the next few words? Even believers aren’t always on board. The line reads, “…and all the angels and authorities and powers accept [Your] authority.” Now we don’t have a problem with the concept stated. It makes sense. It fits comfortably into our theology. So, what’s the problem? The problem for many arises when we realize the necessity of fitting ourselves into the equation. Along with “the angels and authorities and powers,” do we accept Your authority?

Many of us are not bothered in the least as we comply with the ritual of worship and the basic demands of service. But in the deep recesses of our souls do we accept Your authority? Or is our inner sanctuary the one to which we cling? For the most part, whether we like it or not, a good part of our lives are controlled by outside forces – parents, spouses, teachers, bosses, etc., etc. Our inmost beings are the only thing we have left that is ours and ours alone. It may not be easy but if we are to truly be Your followers, Lord, we must accept Your authority – especially there.

Oh, Lord, my tendency is to have a death grip on that last bastion of my independence. My life is controlled on every other front. But if I am to be all I can possibly be, if I am to see the greatest fulfillment in my life here on earth…that is what must do. I must accept Your authority over my life. And as I do, it is not another weight placed upon my shoulders but it is a freedom! Instead of weighing me down, I am lifted up. I gladly accept Your authority. I joyously embrace Your promise.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Jan 29th, Sun, 6:47 am