I need You this day, Father, as I do every day. Help me to seek You out in all I do. Help to listen and to obey. Amen.

Matthew 8:10-12 (<<click the green)

Entitlement: the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

More and more this is becoming an enormous issue in our society. On the highways – “Stop signs? Oh, they don’t pertain to me; if I can squeak out into traffic, why stop? Or even slow down for that matter?” At the department stores – “I don’t care if my coupon expired last week (or doesn’t start until next week), I demand that you honor it today!”

These are just too small examples but our culture is replete with individuals who believe there are entitled to what’s coming to them and what they think is coming to them! I want it and I want it now! (Reminds me of Violet in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory – her entitlement turned her into a giant blueberry!)

That may be how the world thinks but, spiritually, entitlement does not factor in at all. It makes no difference who we are, what our heritage is, or what we think we have coming to us. What matters is a relationship with Christ. Our salvation is found in Him and Him alone.

Lord, that is what You very clearly communicate as You are interacting with the centurion. Your Kingdom is for everyone, and even though there are some for whom the Kingdom is prepared in particular, if we don’t have a relationship with You we “will be thrown into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

May I never get away from the fact that I am dependent upon Your grace and mercy in getting into Your Kingdom, Lord. I cannot earn it and I am definitely not entitled to it. It all is by Your generous hand.

Feb 23rd, 2018, Fri, 5:30 am