This week, Father, my plate is full—almost to overflowing! I pray that Your hand will be in each and every situation. Use me in such a way that the light is cast on You and Your greatness! Amen!

Matthew 2:13-18 (<<click here to read the passage)

I live on the outer range of a couple of radio stations to which I enjoy listening – a classical station out of Columbus and a Christian station out of Mt. Vernon. Before being able to listen online, I was unable to listen to either station in my home. If I had connected a radio to an antenna of some sort to boost the signal, I might have, but only in my truck, which has an antenna, could I listen to either of them.

In today’s passage, Joseph was attuned to God. An “angel of the Lord” appeared to him in a dream, and Joseph quickly obeyed the Lord’s command – he took his family to Egypt, avoiding the wrath of King Herod. Joseph’s internal antenna enabled him to tune in to God’s direction for his life.

Lord, how attuned to You are we? Do we have our dials set to receive Your signal? And if we do, are we listening to what You might have to say to us? It sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through, but it is no more complicated than turning your radio on.

The song “Turn Your Radio On” was written several years before Ray Stevens recorded it, but a portion of his lyrics are as follows.

Don’t you know that everybody is a radio receiver
All you gotta do is listen for the call
Turn your radio on – turn your radio on
If you listen in you will be a believer
Leanin’ on the truth that will never fall
Get in touch with God – Turn your radio on

Lord, may I be constantly tuned in to You. May I have my internal antenna up because I am “in touch” with You on a regular basis. Enable me to listen and act when You call. Amen.

(Sept 17th, 2017, Sun, 6:53 am)
Apr 30th, 2024, Tues, 1:05 pm