Author: Pastor Thom

Touching My World

I am simply overwhelmed and humbled. I realize the sheer volume of reading material that can come to us on any given day and I am grateful that so many of you have taken the time to read what has been laid upon my heart. It is...

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Stoke the Fire

  Father, I so appreciate this time together! Please stoke the fire of my desire so much that I literally cannot live without it! No matter how hard (or soft) life might get, I beg of You – I plead, help me to never give up...

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Grow Down

Father, forgive me for yielding to distraction…this is my time with You and Facebook should have no part in it. My phone is down and my attention is on You. Please help me hear and listen to what You have to say to me today....

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Love in Action

Good morning, Father! Thank you for the good experience last night* and reconnecting with old friends. Help me to cherish your Word and to not take it for granted. Please continue to bless the efforts of those diligently working...

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Building Materials

I have come this morning to bask in Your presence, to soak up the warmth of Your love, to be filled to the cusp of my being with Your wisdom and to begin the process of being a channel to the world by which You can disperse...

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