A Cricut and the Good News

“Be still, and know that I am God!
….I will be honored by every nation.
….I will be honored throughout the world.”
Psalm 46:10 NLT

John 4:43-54 (<<click here to read the passage)

Maybe you’ve heard of it and maybe not, but Karen and Massey both really enjoy working with their Cricuts. It is an apparatus that links to your computer that enables you to create all kinds of things. Basically, it cuts cardstock, vinyl, and some even cut thin wood. They have made all kinds of greeting cards out of cardstock. They have cut vinyl to apply to different surfaces. (I have a stainless-steel travel cup with a school bus and #25 on it – my bus number!) She has made stencils using vinyl – we have several beautifully painted cement pavers around the house, and they use the stencils to “etch” glass for custom decorated casserole dishes, for example.

The company started in 2003 and little by little its popularity has increased. They, I’m sure, have sold thousands of units. They continue to update and expand what their products can do. One person shows another person and they, in turn, show someone else. And honestly, it is pretty cool! Professional creation at your fingertips!

Jesus is a prime example of spreading the Good News. We’ve spoken extensively about the woman at the well. Her contact with Jesus created contact after contact until an entire village was impacted – many came to believe that Jesus was “indeed the Savior of the world.” v42b

Another example is found in today’s passage. Word was already spreading of what Jesus had done (he had turned the water into wine John 2:1-11) and a government official, upon hearing that Jesus was once more in the area, went and begged Jesus to come to Capernaum to heal his son, who was about to die. v47

There was a bit of conversation between them and at the end of it, Jesus told him, “Go back home. Your son will live!” v50a

The man didn’t hesitate but started home.

He didn’t make it home before some of his servants met him with the news that his son was alive and well. v51

When he pinpointed the time of his son’s healing it became clear that it was the moment Jesus said his son would live!

Jesus’ single contact with this Gentile (non-Jewish) gentleman multiplied, impacting his entire household, so much so, that they all believed in Jesus.

Cricuts are a lot of fun and sharing the good news of your creativity with others brings joy to you and them. Your influence may encourage them to get their own unit. But how much better, looking at the eternity that lies before us, would others benefit by us sharing, as Jesus did, the Good News. The real, truly impacting joy we experience in Christ, will bring joy not just for the here-and-now but for ever-and-ever! Share…impact…rejoice!

May 12th, 2021, Wed, 7:26 pm

Creature of Habit

God is our refuge and strength,
….an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 NIV


We are creatures of habit.

I have a student on my bus who faithfully takes his band instrument home every evening and then gets on the bus with it again every morning. I find it interesting that every single time they go to get in their seat, they lead with their instrument…then they pause, pull the instrument back out, slide in the seat themselves, bringing the instrument in with them on the outside of the seat.

You think that over time they would learn to do it the way they want to do it first instead of doing it in reverse each time. It’s a habit.

We are creatures of habit.

I have a set routine getting ready for work every day. I’m probably a bit obsessive in that I set things out and complete each task in a certain order. My final alarm goes off at quarter after and I know that in order to do everything that needs to be done, I need to complete certain things by the bottom of the hour and then I need to step into the shower 15-20 minutes later, wrapping things up by the top of the hour. I post my blog (written the day before) soon thereafter, finish getting dressed, and then step into the kitchen to get my breakfast. It’s a habit.

We are creatures of habit. We do things certain ways at certain times. We all do it. In regard to the most mundane of things, we do it. So, my question is, if we can do that with just about anything we choose, why do we so often not choose to apply it to the spiritual side of our lives?

Why can’t we set aside a portion of time to pray every day? Even if we set aside 15 minutes every morning, I am certain it would impact our hearts and minds greatly.

Wouldn’t we all benefit from developing a habit of responding to negativity in our lives by say stopping before we retort in like manner and instead pause…in a predetermined reaction, not retort but just let it go, to hand it over to God instead of feeling that we need to retaliate.

We just need to apply our tendencies towards being creatures of habit into areas that would build our relationships with God instead of tearing them down. Or on the flip side of that thought, what if we strove to tear down the walls we build between us and our Savior and instead place conduit between ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in to allow Him to flow out, flooding the negativity with love pure and simple?

And those are just two very simple examples.

As I think back to my opening passage of Scripture, it’s appropriate, isn’t it? Read it once more, except this time for the Amplified Bible.

God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable],
A very present and well-proved help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 AMP

Too many times we shy away from change for the better because we are weak but if we remember the simple truth of Psalm 46:1, we realize it’s not totally up to us but that we can tap into God’s vast reserves. He is our refuge. He is our strengthmightyimpenetrable! A very present and well-proved help in trouble. Oh, that it might be so! Become a creature of habit!

May 11th, 2021, Tues, 8:09 pm

Curiosity Piqued

We are well watered now, Father, and are grateful for the sunshine we had today. Help us to appreciate all of the blessings You so graciously bestow upon us!

John 4:39-42 (<<click here to read the passage)

Today’s passage is the aftermath of Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan women who had gone initially to draw water from the well. She had gone back into the village and when she proclaimed, “Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done! Can this be the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed)?” v29 AMP

We know from Jesus’ earlier interaction with her that she had been married five times and now was hooked up with a man who wasn’t her husband. It’s pretty plain that she was comfortable around men and the six referred to probably weren’t the only ones with whom she had interacted in more than just a casual way. Nothing is specifically stated but, I would dare say that as one commentary stated, “When she said that Jesus knew ‘all’ she had done, that might have made some people nervous enough to go investigate.” (bibleref.com)

Irish novelist and poet, James Stephens (1880-1950) is quoted as saying,
…..“Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”

If nothing else she piqued their curiosity – what all did He know?

One thing I find interesting is that where the Jewish religious leaders were at odds with Jesus almost from the get-go, these Samaritans, rejects of the Jewish nation, were intrigued by Jesus’ knowledge – enough that they begged him to stay in their village. So he stayed for two days, long enough for many more to hear his message and believe. vs40-41 NLT

The Samaritan women’s statement was enough for them to conquer their fear and in so doing they were able to see Jesus for who He really was, and is yet today, “indeed the Savior of the world.” v42b NLT

Who knows how this “chance” encounter impacted this village and even others around it!

The important thing is that this woman, shunned by the shunned though she was, clearly shows sharing our own experience with Christ with others is so important! Our efforts are never wasted. There is no such thing as a person too far gone, too sinful, or too unimportant to share the gospel with. A lowly, outcast Samaritan woman was so impressed by Jesus that she sparked a revival in her town! The impact of her actions are still being felt in the Christian world today. (bibleref.com)

Lord Jesus, help us to break down the barriers of our hesitation and fear and to share our life with You with others! We never know whose curiosity might just be piqued! Amen!

May 10th, 2021, Mon, 6:15 pm

The Body Is Gone, the Spirit Remains

(Jack and Norma’s 60th Anniversary Celebration)

A day that many would complain about the rain and then more rain. But Father, it as You would have it, sunshine and rain balance to bring us the beauty of Your creation! All praise to You!


This past week the patriarch of a branch of Karen’s family died. I have only had the privilege of knowing the Londot family for the last 15 years or so. Jack Londot is a cousin of my mother-in-law. Whereas my family is somewhat disjointed and separated by the miles, Karen’s, for the most part, is pretty connected, especially her mom’s side. And by that, I mean I know most of her mom’s immediate family, her paternal and her maternal side, as well.

We’ve attended graduation parties and weddings. Karen has been to several baby showers, too! And I for one am very grateful! They are a loving family full of support and encouragement for each other…and that spirit extends to those around them.

Jack and his wife, Norma, who passed away at the end of 2019, were just normal people, but they were some of the most exemplary people I have ever met. They had five children, who in turn had many children, who are now having children themselves. And honestly, every one of them with whom I have interacted carries on that family spirit of love, support, and encouragement instilled by Jack and Norma. Their bodies may be gone but their spirit remains.

Over two thousand years ago, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ walked this earth. He was born as a babe in a stable of Bethlehem. As He grew, He shouldered the responsibility of fulfilling the call upon His life – to live an exemplary life of sacrifice and giving. And that is how He died, as well. By sacrificing Himself – no one took His life, but He freely gave it – He bestowed upon all who would receive it, the gift of the forgiveness of sins and life with Him in eternity. And no one is excluded. All are welcome!

And though His earthly body is gone (to be replaced by His glorified body!), to God’s eternal glory His Spirit remains! What the Londot family continues to pass along is truly wonderful but God’s Holy Spirit far surpasses that! In truth, a large part of the Londot’s spirit is due to their relationship with God’s Spirit. Many of them reflect their Lord and Savior in their day-to-day life, as did Jack and Norma.

It makes no difference where we come from, all that matters is our relationship with Jesus. And that my friends, makes all the difference! To follow in His footsteps is what impacts the world, one life at a time.

But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you. John 14:26 AMP

May 9th, 2021, Sun, 7:07 pm

The Power of Prayer!

As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks,
So my soul pants [longingly] for You, O God.
My soul (my life, my inner self) thirsts for God, for the living God. Psalm 42:1-2 AMP

What is your opinion regarding prayer? Is it something you throw up on occasion? Is it something when others are through great difficulties, you say you’ll pray for them but not really even think about after the words come from your mouth?

Do you truly believe that prayer is worth it? Do you think, “Oh, prayer…blah, blah, blah…” it’s not even worth the effort… Is God really going to stop and put even a moment’s thought into my little insignificant prayer?

Well, from experience, let me tell you, prayer is one of the most powerful things we can do as followers of Christ!

Time and again, things have come up that seem totally insurmountable, and people pray – diligently, whole-heartedly cry out to God in faith believing He will answer and time and time again He does! Many times, what’s crazy is that we are amazed that God acted, we believed He would, so why are we amazed that He did?

Yes, as the old hymn goes, “I stand amazed in the presence” of God almighty! He is wonderful beyond our wildest dreams! He hears our prayers! He goes all out in His response!

I am not afraid to testify to the fact that I’ve experienced it! Tumors surgically removed and no adverse effects! Children with physical issues so complex that they should not even be alive thriving! These same children having procedures with little chance of survival and they come through with flying colors! Insurmountable circumstances overcome! Seemingly immovable mindsets flipped on its head as God’s love overwhelms it all!

God is alive and well! God’s not dead, He’s surely alive (a great song!) And He loves us! He gave up his life’s blood to the last drop so that we could be with him…nothing between (another great song!)

Why do we yield to the devil’s lies? He is defeated!

I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today
I know that He is living, whatever men may say
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer
And just the time I need Him He’s always near

Okay, another great hymn! What can I say, Our God is an awesome God (another!)

Here’s Alan Jackson’s rendition of He Lives (I serve a risen Savior) – listen and rejoice!

May 6th, 2021, Thurs, 9:30 pm

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