Don’t Forget the Nails!

4 Show me the right path, O Lord;
….point out the road for me to follow.
5 Lead me by your truth and teach me,
….for you are the God who saves me.
….All day long I put my hope in you. Psalm 25:4-5 NLT

Luke 12:13-21 (<<click here to read the passage)

Something new that I tried on our time away was that I checked out an eBook from my library. I think I would still like to purchase a hard copy in that I enjoyed it so much but reading on our tablet was different and I enjoyed doing that, too.

The book I chose was The Noticer by Andy Andrews. He is a New York Times best-selling author and in-demand speaker. I had not heard of him until I saw a post on a Christian group’s Facebook page referring me to a YouTube show he hosts called Andy Andrews Blue Plate Special (it’s great, too!) On the show I watched, he read from his third book of The Noticer series…and I was hooked!

So back to the topic at hand… As I read through today’s passage once more an illustration Andy had used in his book came to mind. It’s too long to share here but I can summarize the story with it’s impacting “moral” and would encourage you to check out the book, it’s short and well worth your time.

He spoke of Napoleon’s victory at Waterloo. Of course, we know Napoleon lost at Waterloo, horribly so. But first, he won. Andy does a great job of telling the story but what lead to Napoleon’s ultimate defeat was that his victorious troops had forgotten, of all things, nails – headless nails.

At the time, both the French and the English artillery utilized muzzle-loading cannons. They were made of bronze…and were fired by setting a…small flame to a narrow firing touchhole that was drilled through the solid bronze. Traditionally, when troops would overrun an opponent’s cannon, headless nails were hammered down into the touchhole, rendering the cannon useless…

…Nails! Just a few nails, and the British cannons would have been out of action. It was the smallest of elements in a massive clash of men and steel, but had that one detail not been overlooked, history books would now contain the record of a French victory…and of Wellington’s Waterloo. – Andy Andrews (The Noticer, pg.328-330)

The rich man in today’s passage made grandiose plans for his future. That was all well and good but unbeknownst to him his days were numbered…and his number was up. He invested greatly in this world, but we are given the distinct impression that his investments in the world to come were severely lacking.

So, what about us? Are we so caught up in life on this dusty globe that we forget the “nails”? In reference to yesterday’s post, are we so gung-ho to “dream big” that the benefits of allowing ourselves to “dream small” elude us? Life is not all about the four-score and ten that we may have here, but life is all about what we do in our lives here that prepares us for the life to come.

Lord Jesus, help us to not just focus on the heres and nows but help us to see beyond today. Help us to be wise with our resources today, both for our future life here but may we not neglect the investments we make that will carry over into eternity. Amen.

Aug 6th, 2020, Thurs, 8:17 pm

Dream Small

Father, it has not by any means been a perfect day, but You have brought us through it. We have not been alone but indeed, You’ve been by our side. We rejoice in Your presence and pray for a closer alignment of our hearts with Yours. Amen.


We just got back from some time away as we drove to Texas. We went to see Massey and help him move out of his apartment, as his doctoral work is soon coming to an end. In our travels, I heard a song on the radio that was new to me but has been out for a couple of years – Dream Small by Christian artist, Josh Wilson.

Several years ago, I knew of a song called Dream Big by the Martins (it is excellent, by the way), so when I heard the words “dream small”, it caught my attention. The first couple of times I didn’t catch all the lyrics, so I kept waiting for it to play again. I wondered, who in the world thinks dreaming small is a good idea? Where do you get by keeping your dreams small? At least by society’s definition – nowhere!

Finally, it came on and I opened an app on my phone that displayed the lyrics for me, and boy was it good! It made perfect sense!

This blog is called More than Useless, and this song is a perfect companion.

How many times do we feel that all that really matters is the big stuff? And how many times do we feel that we are only capable of the little things? Or even if we do strive for – and sometimes reach – the big things, how often do we sweep past little things in our lives because they just don’t seem that important?

I want to encourage you today! There is not a person reading this post that is not important in the Kingdom of God! Each of us regardless of our age or gender or however else we label ourselves; we all play a vital role in impacting the world for Jesus. No task is too small…for even the smallest of pebbles thrown into a mighty lake causes ripples in the water. Dream small. Live well.

“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master.” Matthew 25:21 AMP

(Here are the lyrics for Dream Small and a video to watch at the end. Enjoy!)

It’s a momma singing songs about the Lord
It’s a daddy spending family time
That the world said he cannot afford
These simple moments change the world
It’s a pastor at a tiny little Church
Forty years of loving on the broken and the hurt
These simple moments change the world

Dream small
Don’t bother like you’ve gotta do it all
Just let Jesus use you where you are
One day at a time

Live well
Loving God and others as yourself
Find little ways where only you can help
With His great love
A tiny rock can make a giant fall
Dream small

It’s visiting the widow down the street
Or dancing on a Friday with your friend with special needs
These simple moments change the world
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with bigger dreams
Just don’t miss the minutes on your way, to bigger things, no
‘Cause these simple moments change the world

So dream small
Don’t bother like you’ve gotta do it all
Just let Jesus use you where you are
One day at a time

Live well
Loving God and others as yourself
Find little ways where only you can help
With His great love
A tiny rock can make a giant fall
So dream small

Keep loving, keep serving
Keep listening, keep learning
Keep praying, keep hoping
Keep seeking, keep searching
Out of these small things and watch them grow bigger
The God who does all things makes oceans from rivers

So dream small
Don’t bother like you’ve gotta do it all
Just let Jesus use you where you are
One day at a time

Live well
Loving God and others as yourself
Find little ways where only you can help
With His great love
A tiny rock can make a giant fall
Yeah, five loaves and two fish could feed them all
So dream small
Dream small

Aug 5th, 2020, Wed, 8:07 pm

A Matter of Time

Father, as I sit with You this morning, the world is just flying by! Everyone is in so much of a hurry to get to who knows where. May my mind settle on You, Father. Quiet my spirit. At this moment there is nothing more important than You. Amen.

Revelation 4:1  (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, once again I appreciate the tools You have placed within my hands. My study Bible* gives me an excellent overview as Your word transitions from the “churches” to the future of The Church as a whole.

Verse 1 is the beginning of what John witnessed in the “throne room of heaven.” My study Bible* goes on to say, “God is on the throne and orchestrating all the events that John will record. The world is not spinning out of control; the God of creation will carry out his plans as Christ initiates the final battle with the forces of evil. John shows us heaven before showing us earth so that we will not be frightened by future events.”

Lord, one of the biggest struggles we have, as we see the evil that is so prominent in our world, is the feeling that evil is winning. I have not watched a full news program on TV in years! For me, for the most part, it is a synopsis of evil. It is composed mainly of pain and loss and violence and hatred…I don’t need that filling my heart and mind. I realize that, to some degree, I need to be aware of what’s going on in the world (and to pray for those caught up in it all) but there is no reason to immerse myself in it, soaking up every tidbit that is thrown my way.

Evil is not winning! As the old Christian cliché goes, the war has already been won! You, Lord, are the victor! Battles may still be raging, skirmishes still abound but You are the King and everything will be brought under Your control, in Your time.

May I be faithful, Lord. May I keep everything in its proper perspective. You are on the throne and, again, there will come a day, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 It’s just a matter of time.

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

Aug 7th, 2017, Mon, 6:41 am

Pray for Us

Good morning, Father! I am so glad to see You and to have You with me. No matter how much wrong there is in this crazy world, it does not deter from the fact that Your will will ultimately be done “on earth, as it is in heaven.” And even out of the worst of circumstances, You can bring joy and peace. You and You alone are worthy of my Praise!

Hebrews 13:17-19 (<<click here to read the passage)

As You well know, Lord, spiritual leadership is a challenge. Proclaiming Your word and leading Your people is a heavy burden to bear. It is a very weighty responsibility. It would be so much easier if we were perfect…but we are not. Hence, the great importance of verse 18.

“Pray for us, for our conscience is clear and we want to live honorably in everything we do.”

I’m sure I speak for most spiritual leaders when I say that we covet people’s prayers. We need the strength to carry through the task at hand – there’s a lot to get together every week to feed the flock. We need discernment to weed through all that comes across our path – sometimes the loudest or brightest things clamoring for our attention are the least important and it’s the quiet and thoughtful things that we need to focus on. We need love to flavor everything we see and do – sometimes mean people are really just hurting people. We need the Holy Spirit to direct us and enable us to do His will – quite often it’s not about my agenda or our agenda but it is always about His agenda. May we listen and act.

Lord Jesus, I know people pray for me. I realize that even when we don’t know what to pray that Your Holy Spirit helps us and intercedes for us (Romans 8:26). May I trust You, Lord, with my all. I give You everything that I am. Amen.

July 22nd, 2016. Fri, 6:40 am

Obedience in the Little Things

A quiet morning to sit with You Father is definitely the best way to start my day!

Revelation 3:8-11  (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, in the big picture of Your kingdom so often we feel small and weak. There are some big players out there and here we are in our little corner, doing our little thing. Do we make a difference? Yes, we do!

Too often we think of spiritual things in a worldly framework. We are tempted to compare size and numbers and money and results. But as You spoke to the Philadelphians You realized that they had “little strength” but You commended them for their obedience and not denying You

We cannot measure our success in Your kingdom with earthly measurements. We cannot always see what You see. What we may deem as small and insignificant, You may see as having a great eternal impact. An old song comes to mind and it is still as applicable today. The third verse and refrain of Little Is Much When God Is in It by Kittie L. Suffield go like this,

Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem so small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.

Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame;
There’s a crown, and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ name.

We are not called to bring about great results according to our definitions; we are called to obey. “Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown.” v11 Oh, Lord, may it be so.

July 25th, 2017, Tues, 6:41 am

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