Saturate Us through to Every Nook and Cranny

Thank You, Father, for a beautiful day. It has rained all day, but everything looks so green and lush! Thank You for Your bounteous provision!


Today has been a day full of gentle rain. It began raining before our first service was over this morning (before 10:00) and has rained off and on all day long. Now that could have added up to a substantial accumulation of rain but the last I looked we have just about one inch of rain…total!

I believe farmers prefer this kind of rain. It doesn’t beat the plants down. It doesn’t wash plants and soil away, it just gives plenty of opportunity for the needed moisture to saturate the earth, gently permeating every nook and cranny. As the day progresses the corn and soybeans in the fields, as well as the produce in fields and gardens, the flowers lying in their beds, the blackberries growing in the wild, all of them refreshed and invigorated. Our grass is even a vibrant green!

But I recall a day a couple of years ago when we got almost three inches of rain, but it all came in a very short period of time. There is a fairly deep ditch that runs along the road across from our home, and it rained so hard and fast that the water quickly overflowed the ditch’s banks, flooding the highway and filling our driveway and yard with a river of water! The water flowing through our front yard (which to my knowledge, it has never done that before!) ran into the drainage ditch that runs through our property. The ditch itself was at least nine or ten feet across with racing water! It was crazy!

Sure, that kind of rain provides moisture, but it arrives too much and too fast! The ground has no time to absorb it and it all just flows away, taking topsoil, debris, and anything else that gets in its way with it!

When we make our weekly run to church, what are our expectations? Do we want all that God has for us just dumped on us, filling us to overflowing, wanting it to last until we return the next weekend? Often that mentality is accompanied by such busy lives that we have no time to refresh ourselves throughout the week.

If you drank a gallon of water on Sunday, would your body make it to the next Sunday without another drink of water? We know it wouldn’t! It would be extremely detrimental to our physical health. Most sources, though it has never been scientifically verified, state that you would only survive for about 3 days without water. Some say a little longer, but you would be in a very bad way.

So, why do think we can get away with spiritual dehydration? It is a poor and spiritually unhealthy way to live our lives.

Crops can survive a deluge of rain, but they do so much better with light and gentle showers over a period of time. It is the same for us.

Lord Jesus, there are times when we receive a great influx of water, and we benefit from those times, but may we expose ourselves to regular showers of blessing. May we feel called to spend time with You every day. May we get a good soaking of Your love and may Your Word gently saturate us through to every nook and cranny! Amen!

I will bless my people and their homes around my holy hill. And in the proper season I will send the showers they need. There will be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26 NLT

July 17th, 2022, Sun, 8:05 pm

Give Yourself Away

A day of blessings, Father! Nothing out of the ordinary but we were together and were pretty productive. Family and love – some of the greatest blessings to have!

Acts 20:31-38 (<<click here to read the passage)

I have often referred to my time at Kohl’s as pastoring my third church. I never preached a sermon there…though I diligently – not perfectly mind you – strove to live out one every day. I never collected an offering though I accepted thousands upon thousands of dollars throughout my 18 years of working there. Beyond my own prayers between God and myself, I recall only being asked to pray for a group gathered there one time. I hadn’t worked there a year when the tragic events of 9/11 took place. We gathered for a moment of silence, and I concluded with a short prayer.

Yes, we find those things in our churches – sermons, offerings, prayer, and many other important, fulfilling things. But if we are followers of Jesus, it makes no difference where we find ourselves – we are ambassadors representing Him in all we say and do.

I happen to have “earned”, if you will, the privilege to have Reverend or Pastor placed before my name. But, at least for me, it is just a formality. People at Kohl’s knew that I was a pastor, but no one called me Pastor Thom. So, I, just like you, was just one more faithful believer working their way through life. (And I continue to do so!)

The portion of Scripture on which I am focusing today is where Paul is surrounded by weeping people. The notes of the Amplified Bible state that it is literally saying there was considerable weeping of all. v37 Paul was weeping as well, as hetold them that he will never see them again, and they are crushed. They love him and he them.

Reading through the study notes from the portion of this passage in my Life Application Study Bible, it reads,

Like Paul, you (that is, you and I) can build strong relationships with other Christians (and I will emphatically add, with everyone…not just Christians!) by sharing, caring, sorrowing, rejoicing, and praying with them. You (again, you and I) will gather others around you only by giving yourself away to them.

By no means was I liked by everyone, but I cherish a multitude of relationships that I have had over the years with these wonderful people. To date, I have officiated at three weddings of Kohl’s associates or their family members. (I was asked just a couple of days ago to officiate a fourth one in 2023!) I’ve also had the humbling privilege of officiating over four funerals.

Yeah, I’m a licensed minister who can officially do those things, but honestly, I feel that I had the honor of doing those things because I am their friend…who just happens to be a minister.

As I’ve said in past writings, you are the only Bible some people will ever read. Live honestly. Live lovingly. Be genuine. God will use you wherever you are. May he bless us all, as we each live out the love Jesus loves us with as well. Amen.

July 14th, 2022, Thurs, 9:11 pm

Correction Backed with Love

Oh, my, Father, my body is none too happy with two days of outside work. Neither working at a computer nor driving a bus does this but I am glad I was able to get so much done! Thank You, Father, for the ability to do so.

Acts 20:25-38 (<<click here to read the passage)

These verses, unfortunately, bring a difficult incident from my past to mind every time I read them. I will not go into any detail on the matter except to say that an individual that I both honored and respected used a good portion of this passage to lament their departure from a place of ministry. At the same time, this individual was also highlighting the potential (probable?) nefarious actions of their opposition.

Now, though I feel that this individual felt justified in their telling communication, I feel it is necessary to urge caution in going in this direction in using God’s word to punctuate our own agenda, such as the case may be.

Part of my struggle is the fact that in the end words were uttered to inflict some kind of judgment from the speaker upon those individuals who opposed them. I realize that as believers in Christ, we have the responsibility to hold other believers accountable. I believe the problem arises when we do that with little or no love in our hearts for those whose actions we are attempting to rectify. And even then, how much of what we are doing or saying is just to make them hurt as much as they hurt us.

Obviously, Jesus laid into the religious leaders of His day who were far out of line with God’s purpose and will. Who can forget Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:34?

“You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” NIV

For that matter, He didn’t hold back when his own disciples were getting off track. Do you remember in Matthew 16:23 when Jesus exclaimed to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan!”? Peter was way off base and needed a strong correction.

But the thing is, Jesus didn’t push back in retaliation or defense of the abuse and disrespect He received. The indisputable fact is, love was behind what Jesus said…every…single…time.

Jesus’ words in John 3:16-17 make it very clear.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. NKJV

Jesus put up with a lot and even though He could easily have retaliated and been justified in doing so, He chose to love. It may have been tough love but if that’s what was needed that’s what He dispensed.

So, the next time we want to get back at someone and feel that it’s a bigger slap in the face if we use Scripture, make sure it’s not just because we are hurt but make sure that any correction that is dished out is backed with love – and plenty of it! Amen!

July 13th, 2022, Wed, 8:43 pm

Take Courage!


Thank You, Father, for the strength and stamina to accomplish so much outside today. Each day is a gift. May I use them in ways pleasing to You. Amen.

Acts 20:16-24 (<<click here to read the passage)

I love it when two facets of my life intersect! What makes it joyful is the fact that it is not just happenstance, but instead it is providence. It’s a God thing!

It didn’t come together in my mind last night when I initially read through these verses, though I was drawn to two verses in particular. When I read them again this evening, it clicked!

Here they are.

I never shrank back from telling you what you needed to hear, either publicly or in your homes. v20

But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. v24 NLT

So, do you think that Paul was brave…or courageous? And that is where the other facet comes in!

We’ve been taking a close look at several Biblical heroes over the past few weeks at church. This past Sunday we examined Joshua, a person of great faith. The sermon began by distinguishing between our concepts of bravery and courage

I discovered a simple definition on the BetterUp blog. It said,

Courage is exercising a conscious choice — one motivated by virtuous emotions like compassion, concern, or love. In contrast, exercising bravery is more often done without as much thought. Bravery comes with not just confidence but often a lack of fear. This is different from courage, where the action is taken in spite of fear.

The word courage shows up five times in the first eighteen verses of the book of Joshua. It comes from the Latin word for ‘core’ meaning heart. Courage literally means strength of the heart.

The BetterUp blog also quoted motivational speaker Steve Maraboli,

“To embark on the journey towards your goals and dreams requires bravery. To remain on that path requires courage…”

So…back to Paul.

He shrank back and made it very clear by saying, my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus.” And what work was he compelled to complete above all else? …the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.

God’s words for Joshua are for us as well.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV

Don’t strive to be brave – take courage and tell others the Good News!

July 12th, 2022, Tues, 8:12 pm


Father, I’m quite often all over the place, but I’m truly grateful that You are rock solid! I know that I wouldn’t put up with me, but I’m over the top joyful that You love me like You do!
Acts 20:13-15 (<<click here to read the passage)

Paul went by land to Assos, where he had arranged for us to join him, while we traveled by ship. He joined us there, and we sailed together to Mitylene. The next day we sailed past the island of Kios. The following day we crossed to the island of Samos, and a day later we arrived at Miletus. Acts 20:13-15 NLT

Alright, you may think me odd but, reading these few verses I couldn’t help but think of the beauty that Paul (and company) would have beheld! Today’s picture is from a Greek travel website. It is a scene from the island of Chios (Kios). It is the fifth-largest of the Greek islands. All that separates it from Turkey is the mere three-plus mile Chios Strait
I’d hope that looking out across the hull of their boat that Paul would have found some refreshment in the view they found. As you can see, it is a beautiful part of the world.
I would have been challenged to take it all in. But then again, I’ve never been to the other side of the world. My lone out-of-country experience was a day trip to Tijuana, Mexico while attending a Children’s Pastor’s Conference in San Diego in the 90s.
For me to see any part of the Aegean Sea (the sea between Greece and Turkey) would be overwhelmingly fantastic!
Let me come at my thoughts from another angle. In the late 70s, my dad pastored a church in Mason, Ohio. We lived very close to a relatively new amusement park – Kings Island. We were close enough that if the wind was just right, we could hear the lions roar from the Lion Country Safari that they had at the time!
Every night throughout the summer at 10 PM, when the park was closing, we got to experience their fireworks. They were exciting at first but after a couple of years of them, they had lost their appeal, to me at least. It was quite a while before I wanted to see any fireworks.
Many who are reading this post have probably been believers for some time. one of the greatest dangers is for us to become overly accustomed to what it means to be a Christian. It can get to the point where we’re just going through the motions. “Yeah, I read my Bible…occasionally… Mm, I go to church, but sometimes I really have to make myself…it just seems to always be the same old thing. I’ve sung those songs; I’ve heard those stories so many times! But it’s important, so I’ll just keep on doing what I need to do.”
For our faith to remain joy-filled and exciting, we have to work at it. We cannot be fixed on the things we do. Our focus must remain on Jesus!
Hebrews 2:1b-2a reminds us,

…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. NIV

We must strive to fight complacency in our lives. The beauty of Jesus remains. Pray for a new and revitalized relationship with Jesus! He is more than able and willing to answer our prayers!

July 11th, 2022, Mon, 8:40 pm

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