
Thank You Father for a great day! It was wonderful to get together with my family this afternoon. I am so grateful for opportunities taken and safe travels for all!

Acts 19:1-7 (<<click here to read the passage)

Apollos needed the full story of Jesus, and now other believers are dealing with the same issue, but this time Paul is the revealer of the entire truth. As he filled them in it was like Paul Harvey used to say, “Now you know…the rest of the story.”

The greatest thing was once that happened, they embraced what Paul had said and they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them… vs5-6

The notes regarding this passage in my Life Application Study Bible in essence say that the Holy Spirit’s filling of these men was delayed because they needed the “rest of the story” to make it complete. Coming into a knowledge of the Holy Spirit’s existence filled in the gaps making it possible for the Holy Spirit to come upon them. His doing so made them aware that they were a part of the church and endorsed them as believers.

The final sentence about verses 2-4 definitely needs to be heeded. The mark of the true church is not merely right doctrine but right actions, the true evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work.

One of my greatest concerns today is the fact that many Christians (not all), are quick to spout off doctrine, that is, scriptural teaching on theological truths. In and of itself that’s what we are supposed to do. But where the problem arises is the fact that in a lot of cases, we can preach and harp all we want but if we don’t live out the entirety of our doctrine it doesn’t build up the cause of Christ…it tears it down.

The political environment in our country today is toxic. We scream for our rights – which by the way, if we are true followers of Christ, we don’t have any – but screaming for them nine times out of ten excludes the greatest commandments we are told to abide by.

When asked in Mark 12, Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” vs28b-31 NLT

So, where…is…love… I see plenty of anger. I see plenty of hate and disgust and disdain and abhorrence…but where is love.

I’ve said it time and time again. Every. Single. Time. in the Gospels, which speak of Jesus’ life here amongst us, when he interacted with “sinners” there was only love. It may have been hard love, but it never included anger or hate, disgust, disdain, or abhorrence. It may be hard to comprehend a holy God who embraced the sinner…but He did…He surely did.

And He did the same for every, single one of us. Now there is love and as Jesus commanded at the end of the story of the Good Samaritan…go and do likewise. Luke 10:37b NIV

The mark of the true church is not merely right doctrine but right actions, the true evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work.

June 26th, 2022, Sun, 9:02 pm

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Father, this evening I am grateful for the nice temperatures for a good hike with Massey, the opportunity to run some errands as a family, and being blessed to enjoy some good food together as well. Thank You for watching over us.


As I mentioned, Massey and I had a good hike at Columbus’ Highbanks Metro Park. It’s not too far away from the Kohl’s at which I used to work. Altogether we walked over 4 miles! Since most of its trails are wooded, it was very enjoyable.

At one point we looped through an open glade, where I took the opportunity to take a few pictures. The one featured above is one of the shots I took of wild roses growing along the path. They would most surely be classified as wildflowers. No one tends them, no one feeds them, no one waters them. God alone tends, feeds, and waters them.

If the park system did not regularly mow a path around the glade, I would not have seen them at all but their beauty would have been no less. For they grow and live and shine for no one but their Creator, bringing Him glory.

I’m sure at some point that you’ve heard the phrase “bloom where you are planted”. It’s one of those things that’s been around for quite a while but is not really traceable as to its origin. I won’t go into all of that but I did find one possible reference in a Christianity.com article.

Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622), when he was the Bishop of Geneva is recorded as saying this:

“Truly charity has no limit; for the love of God has been poured into our hearts by His Spirit dwelling in each one of us, calling us to a life of devotion and inviting us to bloom in the garden where He has planted and directing us to radiate the beauty and spread the fragrance of His Providence.” (emphasis mine)

Far too many of us think too little of ourselves. We have this idea that we are insignificant. We are untalented in so many ways that we have this concept that where our talents do lie makes them inconsequential in the scheme of the world. But nothing could be further from the truth…at least not in God’s kingdom!

God made us to shine! Read through Frances de Sales’ quote once more.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines charity in Christian thought as, the highest form of love, signifying the reciprocal love between God and man that is made manifest in unselfish love of one’s fellow men.

God’s love fills us through the Holy Spirit and our responsibility is to bloom in the garden where He has planted and directing us to radiate the beauty and spread the fragrance of His Providence.

So instead of feigning our insignificance, let’s get to work, as the glade’s wild roses, growing and living and shining for our Creator. Let’s bring Him glory by loving Him and others! Amen!

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord
….and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along a riverbank,
….with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
….or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green,
….and they never stop producing fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8 NLT

June 23rd, 2022, Thurs, 7:27 pm

Don’t Dig in Your Heels!

A beautiful day, Father, and all from Your mighty hand! May I ever be grateful for the wonderful gifts set before me, that I can see, smell, taste, and experience with all that I am!

Acts 18:24-28 (<<click here to read the passage)

A story running through social media recently has to do with an elderly woman who decided to further her education even though she was in her 90s. In trying to find it, I found myself surprised at the results! I couldn’t find her particular story, but I did find several others!

One was about a gentleman by the name of Bob Dwyer who lived in the Chicago area. He had planned on furthering his education at a young age but signing up for the army, getting married, having a successful career — got in the way…time passed on and an opportunity never really was right for him to go back [to school].

His job in the fastener business took him around the world but after retiring at 80, he missed more intense human interaction, especially after losing his wife, Peggy, in 2010.

So, he decided to pursue an interdisciplinary program at Northeastern Illinois University – a 40-hour course over a two-year period. He graduated in the spring of 2019 with his nine kids and most of his 22 grandchildren there to cheer him on!

When interviewed by a local television station Dwyer said, “It’s never going to be too late, and I think the reward is worth it.” (For the entire story visit this link to WPVI ABC6, Chicago)

In these verses, we are introduced to a Jewish gentleman by the name of Apollos. He is described as being eloquent and cultured and was spiritually impassioned, speaking boldly and fearlessly in the synagogue… and teaching accurately the things about Jesus… The thing is his knowledge of Jesus only went up to the baptism of John! vs24, 25

I have no idea how old Apollos was, but to be doing what he was doing, where he was doing it, communicated the fact that he was determined to accomplish what he thought to be a very important task! (He hailed from Alexandria, Egypt, and according to one source that was a trip of 475 miles by sea to get to Ephesus…a four-and-a-half-day trip!

He was very well educated (many think he may have authored the Biblical book of Hebrews). You don’t get to that point in your life without knowing a fair amount about a fair number of things. But the thing is, when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained more accurately to him the way of God [and the full story of the life of Christ]. v26b

We hear nothing of his balking at any of this! Instead despite his age and life experience, he embraced the furthering of his education and went to impact innumerable lives by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Messiah!

How many get stuck where they are in their notions of spiritual things? All of us should be open to what God has to teach us. Yes, we much do so with care, for there are many false teachings out there as well. But many dig their heels in and won’t give expanding their spiritual understanding an opportunity because it’s “new”!

Lord Jesus, help us to open our minds to what You would have us learn, even if it may be foreign to our own concepts. If it lines up with other things we know of concerning You and especially if it is in accord with Your word, may we be receptive. Amen.

June 22nd, 2022, Wed, 9:30 pm

A Wisp of Steam

Thank You, Father, for giving me the abilities to have a productive day – vacuuming vehicles, researching a couple of things for our home, and getting through the sermon for a first draft. I couldn’t do it with that much efficiency without You!

Acts 18:18-23 (<<click here to read the passage)

I have wonderful memories of my maternal grandma, Ireta Velma Provance. If you look up the word “saint” in the dictionary, you’ll find her picture there (just kidding!) But she was a saint! In everything she did, she lived out her faith. I think that anyone that knew her would say the same thing. She surely walked her talk, as they say. She wasn’t perfect, but she came as close to it as anyone I have ever known!

Today’s passage made me think of her when I read verse 21,

As he left, however, he said, “I will come back later, God willing.” Then he set sail from Ephesus. NLT

The two-word phrase that caught my attention was “God willing”. My grandma in parting would always tag on the phrase, “Lord, willing.” I’ve caught myself frequently saying it as well. I’ll say it as I’m leaving friends after church, and I’ll often at least think it in many other settings.

This whole frame of mind leads me to a passage from James 4:13-15,

Come now [and pay attention to this], you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and carry on our business and make a profit.” Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen in your life tomorrow. [What is secure in your life?] You are merely a vapor [like a puff of smoke or a wisp of steam from a cooking pot] that is visible for a little while and then vanishes [into thin air]. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and we will do this or that.” AMP

Lord willing. None of us knows how much time we have. We may live for years to come, or we may meet our maker before this night is over. Yes, we must plan for tomorrow, but we must hold onto those plans lightly for as James says, “What is secure in our lives? We are merely a vapor – like a puff of smoke or a wisp of steam from a cooking pot…

Lord Jesus, may we keep You in mind at all times – today or making plans for tomorrow.

Lord willing, I’ll post again tomorrow.

June 21st, 2022, Tues, 7:27 pm

Brush the Dust Off of Me

Some days are definitely better than others, Father, so that being the case, I lay myself before You. Where would I be without Your mercy and grace!

Acts 18:1-17 (<<click here to read the passage)

Some time ago, I met a young man who was married to a young lady I had known as a young teen, several years before that. He did some work for us in our home, and I even got to meet a couple of their children. Unbeknownst to me, he was struggling with a drug addiction that eventually brought him to a make-or-break decision in relation to his family.

His wife was (and continues to be) a very faithful follower of Christ and was there for him all the way, but time and time again he fell back into his addiction. She vowed to stand by his side once more if he would fight against it, but in the end, he chose the drugs over his family. The love of his wife and children was not strong enough to give him reason to fight.

Paul dearly loved his people; they were literally his family. Their lineage could all be traced back to Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. Jacob would later receive the name Israel (Genesis 32:24-32), hence the nation of Israel. Paul loved his family, he fought for his family, but to no avail. Some of his family listened and found their Messiah in Jesus, but others would not. Their addiction to self and pride and tradition and control held them back. For many, it was the easier path…at least in their hearts and minds.

Back in Acts 13:51, Paul and Barnabas, shook the dust from their feet as a sign of rejection” against the rebellious Jews of Antioch of Pisidia. Then here in verse 6,

…Paul shook the dust from his clothes and said, “Your blood is upon your own heads—I am innocent. From now on I will go preach to the Gentiles.” NLT

Jesus, Himself, stated in Mark 6:11,

“But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.” NLT

It was a difficult decision for Paul to make. He had done all he could do but moved on at the call of God, to fields ripe unto harvest with the souls of Gentiles eager to accept the salvation extended to them.

That’s where Paul found himself, but I would share one more thought. I, for one, am grateful that God doesn’t shake the dust from Himself as a condemning statement against us. I cannot begin to count the number of times I have stumbled, the number of times I have fallen. God would have every right to shake the dust from Himself and be done with me. That is what I deserve. But time and time again, God chooses to brush the dust off of me – not in condemnation, but in love. His act is one of assurance that when I in true repentance seek His forgiveness, I am forgiven…and the sin is remembered no more. Oh, what a wonderful Savoir we have! Praise and glory to His name!

June 20th, 2022, Mon, 7:40 pm

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