
Father, as I bowed my head at the beginning of our time together this morning, I have pondered aspects of our relationship. And in doing so You have brought an old hymn to mind. This hymn, as many do, gives much food for thought. Written in 1906 by Howard A. Walter it is entitled, “I Would Be True.”

I would be true,
For there are those who trust me;
I would be pure,
for there are those who care;
I would be strong,
For there is much to suffer;
I would be brave,
For there is much to dare.

I would be friend of all –
The foe, the friendless;
I would be giving,
And forget the gift;
I would be humble,
For I know my weakness;
I would look up,
And laugh, and love, and lift.

I would be faithful
Through each passing moment;
I would be constantly
In touch with God;
I would be strong
To follow where he leads me;
I would have faith
To keep the path Christ trod.

Lord, living out our relationship is not easy. It was never intended to be a cake walk. The life You lead, the example You set while living amongst us shows this all to be true. Following You, being Your disciple, calls for diligent, consistent dedication. By Your Spirit, we are enabled to do so but we cannot take our eyes off of You – as an inspiration to not give up – for our destination, eternity with You, is more than worth it! Amen.

Nov 22nd, Tues, 4:40 am