Father, thank You for a wonderful week of time spent with Massey. Karen and I are both so grateful for the gift You gave us almost 26 years ago and for the fine young man he has become. Watch over him and hold him close to Your side, I pray. Amen.

Are you familiar with the phrase “holier than thou”? It is never really used in a complimentary way. It usually implies an attitude of moral superiority. It can apply to someone who has chosen to take the moral high road and the phrase is used disparagingly by those who do not. But quite often it is used in reference to someone who sets themselves above others in a prideful manner.

Pharisees and Sadducees, the religious leaders of Jesus’ day, wore the moniker well. Few could live up to their expectations of moral superiority. But before we go pointing fingers and patting ourselves on the back, we must carefully examine who we are and why we do what we do.

Only by the grace of God do I stand where I stand. I am not perfect. I fail. I stumble. I fall. But I am not forsaken. God, with the utmost of compassion, shows me the error of my ways and when I repent and ask for His forgiveness He does not hold back. God wants me to be victorious! He wants me to succeed! He loves me beyond anything I can even begin to fully understand.

Lord Jesus, where would I be without You? I would be lost. I would be eternally condemned. Thank You for Your sacrifice. You gave of Yourself so that I could be reconciled in my relationship with You. I could not do it. I am incapable of doing it. But You did it! Thank You, Lord! Draw me close to You side. May I become more and more like You each and every day. Amen.

July 13th, 2018, Fri, 6:57 am