Thank You, Father, for Your presence. I cherish these times of special interaction and am grateful that You are with me 24/7. I would ask that I have an ongoing realization of that fact every day. Please be a guiding force in every moment of my life.

(Just a reminder, I wrote this post nine years ago. God continues to work with me in the areas I talk about. As I say here, I am a work in process, but honestly, I am making solid steps in the right direction – but only with His most gracious assistance.)

Philippians 4:10-23 (<<click here to read the passage)

“…be content with whatever I have” v11b

“…I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” v13

“…God…will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” v19

Contentment…no limits to what we can do through Christ with the limitless resources found only in Him!

Ok, Lord, first things first…I’m sorry about my attitude and reactions in certain situations when in the van with my family. Please forgive me. I sure need to tap into this “contentment” thing! I realize that I’m a work in progress, but this area of my life needs to be addressed.

Why does this part of my life result in anger so often? I know part of it is being called out for my anger, which is like throwing fuel on the fire – not just a chunk of wood but gasoline! It probably has to do with control and insecurity, but whatever it’s rooted in – it needs to stop!

I am richly blessed in so many areas of my life – abundantly so! Why should one insignificant area of my life (interacting with other vehicles on the road) rob me of the contentment I should feel? Just because others don’t measure up to my standards on the highway should not cause me to lose it! And when my sin is pointed out, I shouldn’t blow up!

OK, Lord, this is yet another problem in my life that, obviously, I cannot deal with on my own. I need You to give me the strength to overcome and conquer it! There is no limit to what I can accomplish through You. I would humbly ask that out of Your “glorious riches,” You would grant me extra doses of patience and peace…the passes understanding” kind! Help me see my struggle – my sin- for what it is and shut it down by giving it over to You.

Christ in my life, You “must increase, but I must decrease” John 3:30 NASB That’s the only solution!

(June 4th, 2015, Thurs, 7:30 am)
June 23rd, 2024, Sun, 10:23 pm