Father, I humbly ask that You would help the rest of this day go well, enable me to accomplish the tasks at hand in a way that is pleasing to You, i.e., help me to do them with the utmost of my abilities, and most importantly, to let Your shine through me in all I say or do.

Colossians 3:12-17 (12a) (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, You would think, after all these years, that I would stop being astounded when You bring this together, but I am grateful that this is not the case! I had no idea what this morning’s passage contained – but You did!  And even as we came together today You were guiding my thoughts and heart! Praise Your holy name! Thank You, Lord, for your unfathomable love!

These six verses are too full of richness to swallow whole, so I will take them in small bites!

Lord, You chose me (Ephesians 1:4) to be holy because You love me. It has been this way for all of time! Even knowing what I would do and say and think that would hurt You, You still loved me! I was created because You loved me and because You desired my love for You. I do love You, Lord! And I pray I will love You more and more each day! Help me to know Your love for me, and that that will fuel the fire for me to love You!

Half a verse is all I can handle today! Help me to chew and savor this small portion – God loves ME!

(June 19th, Fri, 2015, 6:45 am)
June 27th, 2024, Thurs, 3:11 pm