What a blessing today was, Father! A wonderful day with family and seeing some of the particulars of where Massey works – high tech at its finest. Thank You for opportunities given!

1 Thessalonians 2:3-6 (<<click here to read the passage)

Ulterior motives…they fill our world. We – and that includes me – are guilty of them. We say or do something to, for, or with someone in the hopes that our “hidden” desires will be fulfilled. Our desire for power, possessions, sex, and sustenance drives our actions. Many will do absolutely anything to get what they want!

Of course, in this passage, Paul is speaking of his work for You, Lord – basically his ministry, his calling. But Lord, aren’t we all called to serve You? We may not be planting churches, as such, but aren’t we all either building – or tearing down – Your kingdom?

Lord, You call for us all to have as our purpose “to please [You], not people. [You] alone examine the motives of our hearts.” I would ask that my motive be motivated solely by my love for You! If my love for You permeates me to the very core of my being, that love will impact all of my interactions with those around me, be they people I love, people I know, or total strangers! If the motive of my life is love, then ulterior must never factor in! Dictionary.com defines “ulterior” as “being beyond what is seen…intentionally kept concealed.” Lord, help my love for You and others to be everything but an ulterior motive. May my love be blaring and blatantly apparent to everyone with whom I come in contact!

(July 10th, 2015, Fri, 6:30 am)
July 4th, 2024, Thurs, 11:08 pm