We are on the cusp, once again, of the seasons beginning their rotation, Father. I am reminded of You. It makes me think of Your consistency – You are not fickle or change Your mind willy-nilly. You are the same every day; time continues to tick away. We, as leaves, fall, and the world marches on. But You, You are always there constant, steady, stable. It also makes me think of Your creativity, Your attention to detail, and literally variety to the nth degree. And not just leaves, people, too! All shapes and sizes and hues – and You personally know each and every one. You’re the awesome creator of us all; praise Your Holy Name!

1 Timothy 4:6-10 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, in this passage, I am admonished to be “nourished by the message of faith and the good teaching [I] have followed.” I am encouraged not to waste time on worthless discussions but to “train [myself] to be godly.”

Society is obsessed (that seems to be putting it mildly) with what we do with and put into our bodies. Exercise and diet are very important to maintain good health and are necessary to fulfill Spock’s statement of “Live long and prosper.”

We can invest all the time and money we want in maintenance, but regardless, this shell of our soul, which we call the body, will inevitably collapse. As time continues to tick away, our body will slow down, little by little, until it stops completely. But what of our soul? It will not stop, but how do we maintain its “health”?

As Paul states, we must nourish it with faith and good teaching, not wasting time or worthless things, and we must train ourselves to be godly. Our regiment should be filled with a day partaking of Your Word – the Bread of Life will sustain us. We must exercise our ability to come to You in prayer, lifting our needs to You and carrying the daily responsibility of being faithful and obedient to Your guidance and obedience.

Lord, help me to listen to You – my ultimate spiritual trainer – and follow Your example in all I say and do!

(Sept 11th, 2015, Fri, 6:31 am)
Aug 29th, 2024, Wed, 9:16 am