A red button with word Re-Do to illustrate a need to revise, change or improve to adapt to changing conditions or requirements
It has been a packed last couple of days, Father. As we enter this Thanksgiving break, help us to use the time we have been given to the best of our abilities and to seek out every opportunity to love each other to the uttermost. Amen.
2 Timothy 4:11-12 (<<click here to read the passage)
“Bring Mark…for he will be helpful to me…”
Lord, we don’t know all that has transpired, but this is a turning point statement for Paul and a learning point for us. Early in Paul’s ministry, Mark had joined Paul and Barnabas in their journey, and for whatever reason, Mark quit. Later on, Barnabas tried to bring Mark along once more, but Paul said “no,” which caused Paul and Barnabas to part ways. And then, out of the blue, at the end of Paul’s life, he says, “Bring Mark…”
Somewhere along the line, Mark had the opportunity to prove himself, and Paul hadn’t shut him out. All of us can change. And regardless we must be open to that change, either by changing ourselves or accepting change in others. Both are tough to do.
The big point here is that life in You, Lord, is all about new beginnings. Every day brings with it opportunities to move forward. Help me, Lord, to be pliable in Your hands to change where I need to change, and then help me to see others with eyes of discernment so I may accept and encourage positive changes in them as well.
(Jan 7th, 2016, Thurs, 9:35 am)
Nov 26th, 2024, Tues, 8:33 pm