Father, in the midst of the cold, we should come to You to warm our souls. I am so grateful that though this world may be a cold, cold place (not temperature-wise but how people treat people), we can come to You for a warm embrace of love and acceptance. Thank You for providing a way for our sins to be forgiven so we can have a true and deep relationship with You!

Hebrews 2:1 (<<click here to read the passage)

“…we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.”

Over the millennia, many, many souls have blazed brightly for You, Lord. Their lives have served as beacons drawing others to You. They were fervent believers whose every aspect of life was guided by Your hand. And the world was forever changed!

But what is disconcerting is what inevitably happens as the torch is passed from generation to generation; the flame that once burned bright begins to diminish. The Gospel flame has never gone out (nor will it ever do so!), but it must be rekindled afresh in every generation.

If I pull an ember from my wood-burning stove and lay it on the hearth, it will continue to glow a bit, but in a relatively short period of time, it will grow cold. On its own, all by itself, it cannot maintain its heat. But if I place the ember back in the stove amongst the coals, it will once again begin to glow.

You, Lord, are our only source for the eternal Gospel flame. Your presence in our lives is what keeps the Church aflame; if we “drift away” from You, there will be dire consequences.

First of all, Lord, I pray that I will stay close to You. My heart’s desire is to seek out Your will for my life each and every day. Help me not to grow cold. Help me to burn bright as I interact with You. Help my warmth and light draw others to You. May others be set ablaze because they have been touched by Your fire coursing through me!

Secondly, Lord, I pray for those “embers” who are sitting on the hearth. They may be cooling down, or they may be stone cold. May they be reminded of the necessity of ongoing contact with You. May their souls be discontent until they are once again in Your presence. Help them see that maintaining a relationship with You is of utmost importance. Help them to make it a top priority in their lives. Draw them to You, Lord.

Lastly, I would pray for those who have never known the warmth of Your love – not because it has not been extended – but because they have not known what it was. Draw them to You as well. Use me; use others who are burning with a love and passion for You to touch them for You.

Help us to keep the fire burning and to pass the torch!

(Feb 14th, 2016, Sun, 6:22 am)
Jan 13th, 2025, Mon, 10:36 am