Some days are more challenging than others, Father, and this day is a toughie! I’ve already been awake for over two hours and am still trying to corral my mind. Help my attention to be drawn to You and set aside other things (of less importance).

Hebrews 2:2-4 (<<click here to read the passage)

Now, there is a word we don’t care for – punished. On any front – Biblical or personal – we want to avoid punishment. In the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, punishment is meted out for “violation of the law” and “disobedience,” but in today’s mindset many, myself included, tend to avoid the topic. It’s uncomfortable. It goes against the grain. Lord, we speak of You as being a God of love – and you are that – more than we could ever fully comprehend. But tough love must factor in. We must be corrected, for we all fall – we are all “prone to wander.” You give us boundaries, and we must abide by them. If we do not, there will be dire consequences. We can hurt ourselves and others – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As in all parent/child relationships, boundaries tell us we are loved. Many of the issues we see in our world today are because we have removed many boundaries in a feeble attempt to set ourselves “free”. But instead, we are drowning in the dire consequences of our disobedience. Anger, violence, disrespect for others, and rampant selfishness overwhelm us every day. Just read the headlines! Our punishment seems to be of our own making – we are paying for our own insolence and pride. We have brought it upon ourselves and the payments are due.

Our only means of escape is to not ignore “this great salvation that was first announced by [You] Lord Jesus.” You are the only way out. All of our clever ideas and “solutions” are absolutely worthless. Only a diligently pursued relationship with You can really enable us to get to the core issue of sin in our lives. Only You can eradicate it. Only You can enable us to be the conquerors You have called us to be.

Lord, help me! I so want to be what You have called me to be, but things that shouldn’t tempt me do! I am weak – but not in You! I am fearful – but not in You! Please, Lord, help me to be – in You.

You are more active in my life today than ever. I feel You working. I hear Your voice. Help me to abide in You! Amen.

(Feb 16th, 2016, Tues, 6:22 am)
Jan 13th, 2025, Mon, 1:13 pm