Dear Father, I didn’t realize until after I was up that I had slept clear through the night! Thank You! Things like that help me feel Your love for me. Some may say, “You were just really tired.” Or “Your body didn’t need to get up,” but I don’t buy that for a moment. It was a gift from my loving Father.

And that’s not all. My God has been so faithful to wake me each morning, and I have obediently risen now for 42 days in a row! He also gave me a little extra today – 30 minutes more, to be exact. He loves me in the little things, too!

But that is still not all! When I woke, it was from a beautiful dream. A little over 3 weeks ago, I was able to write the names of newborn twin girls on my prayer list. I knew their mother when I served as Children’s Pastor several years ago; she was in middle school then. Lord, she has grown up to be a wonderful Christian woman. She and her husband serve as medical missionaries with their two young boys. But I digress…

Back to my dream…we were in a public setting, and this young lady was there. We were talking with some friends and family, and I know Facebook has a multitude of good and bad things, but we were sharing how it helps us pray for each other, and before you knew it, we were crying together, and she sweetly hugged me. And that’s when I awoke. There are tears in my eyes just writing it down. Of course, before crawling out of bed, I prayed for her, the girls, her boys, and her husband.

I felt prompted to write all this simply because being a part of God’s family is such a wonderful thing! I literally haven’t seen this young lady in over 16 years. And even then, we did not have any regular interactions – she was just a sweet teen who was a part of my church family. But she and I and so many others are a part of Your family, Lord, and we are so blessed that You have given us each other. We have innumerable brothers and sisters around the globe. Most I do not know, but many I do. Some I pray for each and every day.

Lord, I am so grateful that You love me. One of the things You have taught me on our journey together is if someone asks me to pray for them, I don’t just say I will – I do! When someone out of the blue comes to mind, when others ask for prayer in person or on Facebook, or wherever! Say a prayer! When the Apostle Paul encourages us to “pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NASB, this is what he meant. We all need to pray because we all surely need it. Thank You, Lord, for prompting me to pray. Thank You for others who pray for me. And thank You for interceding for me as well…

“As for me, I will certainly not sin against the Lord by ending my prayers for you.“ 1 Samuel 12:23a NLT

(Mar 2nd, 2016, Wed, 5:44 am)
Feb 3rd, 2025, Sun, 5:01 pm