Father, so many things in life are constantly in flux. A common statement in many places is, “If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes.” It’s not unusual in our part of the country in the early spring to have snow on the ground one day and have the sun out with temps in the 70s the next. It was cold but sunny Friday, and today, we had to cancel services because the snow was coming down so fast this morning. We ended up with several inches! Flux rules the day. Situations that we feel are secure can change in the blink of an eye. That’s just how it is, and we can’t do a thing about it. If we really think about it, inconsistency is the only consistent aspect of life!

But, Lord, You do not fit into this mold. It clearly states in Hebrews 13:8 from the Amplified Bible that “Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever.” You are constant. We can build our lives upon You because You are rock-solid. Nothing can move You. Nothing can displace You. But humanity surely works hard enough trying to!

From the very beginning, we have tried to displace You, but the only place we have been successful is in our own hearts. Many have usurped the throne of our own lives, but every single one of us will have no choice but to abdicate that throne when we bow before You on that inevitable Judgment Day.

Why do we strive so diligently for stability in our lives, yet we refuse to yield to the one Person who could give it to us? We would rather control our own lives with all of our inconsistencies and holes and heartaches and missed opportunities and dissatisfaction than give ourselves over to the One who would give us fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams, the One who sees the big picture and is able to sustain and guide us through all of life’s ups and downs.

Jesus, I will continue to acknowledge Your Lordship over my life. Life is fuller, richer, and sweeter with You on the throne. I have direction. I have stability. And no matter what life throws at me, I know You are with me, consistent and flux-free!

(Mar 9th, 2016, Wed, 5:15 am)
Feb 16th, 2025, Sun, 3:43 pm