Father, thank You for the blessing of where we live. Out in the country we get the privilege of seeing an abundance of Your beautiful creation. Over the weekend I saw a doe and her fawn out in the glade back behind the house. The little one was so full of life, zipping here and there. We love catching glimpses of the baby bunny around the flower beds. And even though some find them a bit gruesome, I was fascinated watching a leech as it moved through the water of the ditch I was clearing on our lot. The diversity of Your creation in our small corner of the world is wonderful. Its beauty is amazing. Hummingbirds, turkeys, cardinals, wrens and hawks, as well as our regular murder of crows are entertaining to behold. Honeysuckle, coneflower, black-eyed Susan, hostas, ferns and basket weave are just a few of the abundant floral displays proclaiming Your glory!
Praise Your holy name. All praise to our mighty Creator!
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
Your glory is higher than the heavens.
You have taught children and infants
to tell of your strength,
silencing your enemies
and all who oppose you.
When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you set in place—
what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?
Yet you made them only a little lower than God
and crowned them with glory and honor.
You gave them charge of everything you made,
putting all things under their authority—
the flocks and the herds
and all the wild animals,
the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
and everything that swims the ocean currents.
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
June 21st, Tues, 6:25 am