Father, two days off from coming together first thing was not beneficial. This time affords me an anchor for my day. Its sets my mindset. It helps me keep my focus on You. This day I give myself over to You. Use this day as You will. Use me as You will.
I feel that You are wanting me to process some things that took place over this past weekend, Lord. I did something that I have done only once before since launching my blog over a year ago – I paid a small fee to promote my blog on Facebook. It then pops up on people’s Facebook pages, sort of like an advertisement. Normally I can have upwards of 200 people looking at my posts but since Friday morning (Sept 23rd) 1,550 people had the option to look at my “For Such a Worm as I” post. So in 3 days, of that number 91 people clicked on the post and 65 responded in some way.
Now I have my faithful readers but both times I’ve promoted my posts I have had a very interesting cross section of society. There’s no way that I can know the spiritual impact they have had on people Some may have responded to it out of habit but I pray that some were impacted by it – that it cracked the heavens just a by giving them a glimpse of God and maybe, just maybe, it might be the beginning of their journey in finding Him.
It’s a little surprising to see that in reality there were few that looked at it that had any “Christian” slant to their online persona – maybe 2 or 3 beyond those who routinely do so. As I look at those who responded very few would probably ever darken the door of the church. So, Lord, I would pray especially for those people this morning – people from N.Y. to LA, from Florida to Michigan. I don’t know them but You do. I pray that they would have seen enough of You that You stick in their hearts. That the small seed planted would not be snatched up or wither but that it would be the beginning of something life changing for them.
The rain and snow come down from the heavens
and stay on the ground to water the earth.
They cause the grain to grow
producing seed for the farmer
and bread for the hungry.
It is the same with my word
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”
Isaiah 55:10-11
Sept 26th, Mon, 5:40 am