Good morning, Father. Thank you for waking me so we could spend some time together this morning, I cherish them. Please help me to feel so more and more. Like so many things that I do (i.e. picking up and dropped stuff) help me to not say “no” to being with You, absolutely no excuses! I love You, Father, and I want to spend time with You so I can become more like You!
Ephesians 6:10-24 (<<click this)
More and more, Lord, I am coming to understand your direction for me and the church. In recent generations we have become very militant about defending our “right” as believers. Reading this passage tells me that our only piece of defensive armor is to be Your Word. We grumble, and complain and fight against those that You have put into authority over us. But our fight is not supposed to be against flesh and blood. We are called to take our stand “against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world…mighty powers in this dark world…and evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (vs.12) Lord, You told us that the world would hate us because it hated You, but in our selfishness and pride it has come to hate us because we hate the world! …not because we love You… Your light shines upon the world showing its sinfulness. I truly believe that, at least at this point in time, You do so to draw us to you…judgment will come later. We push the world away because we judge now. Help me to be an ambassador of Your love to the world.
May 9th, Sat, 5:17 am