The Cross by Ron DiCianniPenal
Father, at the beginning of another week, I do not want to go about my life randomly. I want to purposely – conscientiously – place myself into Your more than capable hands. I humbly give myself over to You – use me as You will. Amen.
Matthew 9:1-8 (<<click the green)
I don’t own a copy but I just love the Amplified Bible and thanks to biblegateway.com it is readily a part of my studies!
Lord, in this passage, when You said to the paralyzed man, “…your sins are forgiven” the Amplified Bible does what it does by saying “[the penalty is paid, the guilt removed, and you are declared to be in right standing with God].” That is most assuredly what forgiveness is and I know that is the case but having it right before my eyes brings me great joy! A paid penalty, removed guilt and in right standing with God – now that’s what’s it’s all about!!!
And when the teachers of the religious law got their dander up – one of their many “how dare You” moments! – You go straight to the heart of the matter and ask, “…which is easier, to say ’Your sins are forgiven and the penalty paid,’ or to say ‘Get up and walk’?” Again it is amplified by stating, [Both are possible for God; both are impossible for man.]
Many in the world today still balk at the reality of Your being God. In doing so, we continue to “think evil in [our] hearts”. Over and over and over again it is proven to us that You are who You are. Many throughout the millennia have attempted to disprove Your claims and many in their determination to do so have proven Your claims for they are undeniably true! Lord Jesus, You alone have the power and authority to forgive and to heal! For that matter, forgiveness is spiritual healing that we all need!
Thank You, Lord, for Your healing touch of our souls! Only because of Your sacrifice is the penalty paid, the guilt removed and are we able to be in right standing with God! All praise to God, our Creator, and Savior!
Mar 5th, 2018, Mon, 6:28 am