Father, so often I am overwhelmed by the fact that You love me and that Your Son sacrificially gave himself so my sins could be forgiven. This morning the lyrics of an old hymn penned by Robert Harkness come to mind.

“Love sent my Savior to die in my stead; why should He love me so?”

I don’t understand the entirety of it but, oh, how I cherish it!

Matthew 13:45-46 (<<click the green)

Yesterday’s parable spoke of what I should be willing to invest in our relationship but the Parable of the Pearl Merchant speaks of Your investment in me!

Lord, it should not surprise me but I am always amazed that even before I delve into the passage of the day that You are already speaking to me about it! Time and again, my opening thoughts are a precursor to what You have to share with me. Your providential care for me is astounding!

As I sit here pondering all of this, I realize that absolutely nothing can suffice as an illustration on my part of the sacrificial love You have for me. It is rare but occasionally I hear of someone fulfilling Your admonition from John 15:13, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” First responders and military personnel are some who willing lay their lives down for their fellow men and women. But, no matter how admirable that may be, it pales in comparison to Your love in laying down Your life, in taking upon Your shoulders the sins of all of humanity for all time. “…the Kingdom pays the ultimate price to possess the pearl, the price God was willing to pay to redeem us.”*

Lord Jesus, as I continue on this journey of life, help me to keep Your love for me at the forefront of my vision. There is no greater deterrent to sin than that! May I be faithful!

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

May 2nd, 2018, Wed, 6:33 am