Good morning, my Father! Thank You for the wake-up call so that I’ve had time to read through my sermon once more and that I get to spend some one on one time with You! Bless our time together, please.

Matthew 17:1-13 (<<click the green)

Have I mentioned how I enjoy my Life Application Study Bible? So many times it highlights a portion of Scripture and points out something that makes me stop and think.

This morning it points out that the “Transfiguration was a foretaste of heaven.” How many think of heaven as being a place where we just sit around on clouds and play harps for the rest of eternity? I don’t think so! If we think of this world in which we live as just the appetizer for the reality to come, how can we think of just clouds and harps?

We know some of heaven and eternity but I am sure that the certainty of what it will hold is far beyond what our minds can conceive at this point in time. Lord, You told us that You are “going to prepare a place for [us]”. (John 14:1-4) The Apostle John states in Revelation 21:21 that one of the highest esteemed commodities here on earth, gold – in its purest form even – will pave the streets!

Lord Jesus, sometimes we are so reluctant to think of our time here ending. We fight to prolong our lives here at exorbitant expense but again this is only the “appetizer” and the “main course” – an eternity in Your presence and under Your guiding hand may only be a breath away…literally! May we be prepared and may we be diligent in bringing as many with us as we possibly can. Amen!

June 17th, 2018, Sun, 6:50 am