Oh, my goodness, Father, today did not start off well! I slept poorly, woke up about 20 minutes late and after getting around, saw that today’s blog post didn’t post correctly. It took about 10 minutes to correct and by then my opportunity for a bowl of cereal or a zip through a McDonald’s drive-through was out of the question – or I’d be late for work. THEN before I even open the door to leave I can hear it raining! Too hot for a coat and I would forget it at work for sure, so I hustled to the truck, struggled to find the hole for the key (my fob is acting up!) and finally got myself, damp to say the least, into my truck!

So…was my day shot? No. Was my mood dampened for the rest of the day? Not in the least. My clothes were dry before I stepped out of the truck. The “rumbly in my tumbly” (as Pooh would say) disappeared after a nice lunch with my wife.

But before all of that, as I was on my way to work, I thought of You, Jesus. How I feel and who I am is far more dependent upon our relationship than the incidentals of any given day. Days will come and days will go. Some will be full of joy. Some will be full of woe. But as one of my favorite Christian comedian’s, Mark Lowry, says, “This too shall pass.”

Take a moment. Turn up the volume or pop in those earbuds and listen to a little of Mark’s laughter and his music, too. (This video is from his early years and is a little grainy but the message is clear.) Enjoy!

June 27th, 2018, Wed, 7:46 pm