Help me, Father, to come together with You each morning. I know it is best but some mornings it is surely a struggle. Nights seem short but You will give me the strength I need for the demands of the day. Thank You for Your loving care over me.

Matthew 20:1-16 (<<click to read the passage)

We like to think that we are so advanced here in the 21st century but in so many ways we are no different than those from any given era of history. In Jesus’ parable, a landowner goes out early to hire workers for his fields who agree to work for the standard wage – no harm, no foul. As the day progresses he hires more workers, a few even hired for only an hour’s labor. When the time comes to settle accounts with all, the landowner pays those hired last the same as those hired first – a full day’s wage. Those hired first screamed, “Foul!” They had worked the whole day! They had labored through the heat of the day! And these newcomers got the same pay – totally unfair!

Would we have responded any differently? I doubt it. I’m sure it did nothing to appease their anger but the landowner replied, “Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?” Other translations say it can be translated, “Or is your eye envious (evil) because I am good?”

What will our reactions be when we all stand before God on that final day of judgment? Will there be those who are audacious enough to be angry because dirty, rotten “sinners” – only because they sought forgiveness at the last moment – are welcomed into God’s presence for eternity?

It all comes down to grace. And just like sin is sin – grace is grace. There is absolutely no grading scale on sin – no big sins or little sins – sin is sin. Grace is not measured out, a little here, a little more there. Grace is poured out in lavishly, inundating the receiver, nothing held back. God’s loving kindness knows no limits – the word extravagant falls way short of doing it justice! We all can be recipients of God’s grace…and amazing it is!

Aug 21st, 2018, Tues, 6:33 am