Father, my work schedule has been all over the place and sleep has so often been elusive but You understand. I am not frowned upon by You, though I know You are disappointed when we don’t come together like this each day. I have been resting better recently and that helps so much, thank You. Help my desire to spend time with You to be far stronger than my desire for my bed. Amen.

Matthew 22:34-40 (<<click to read the passage)

Lord, I strive to keep the words of this passage at the forefront of my mind and quite often you place them on my lips at times of prayer before my congregations. I realize that they are so foundational to living out my faith.

One of the most difficult things about being certified to drive a school bus is all the things that have to be remembered. There are so many rules and regulations – it is overwhelming! It’s easy to see them in a negative light. But when I sit back and look at the big picture, those rules and regulations are not there just to frustrate me but they are there to make sure that I am most knowledgeable of how to best address the safety and well-being of the students under my care.

Lord, Your word can be overwhelming, too. It seems to just be full of dos and don’ts. But that’s what our finite minds see. If we can just open our eyes to the big picture we can begin to understand that it is all for our spiritual safety and well-being. And it is all wrapped up and saturated with love! Can anything be better than that?!

There is no reason to feel overwhelmed. It’s not an easy assignment but, as my study Bible* says, “Jesus said that if we truly love God and our neighbor, we will naturally keep the commandments. This is looking at God’s law positively. Rather than worrying about all we should not do, we should concentrate on all we can do to show love for God and others.”

Lord, may my greatest desire and highest priority be to spend time with You each day. By doing so I cannot help but love You more “with all [my] heart, all [my] soul, and all [my] mind.” For You are love and our time together will impact me in a great and mighty way. Then…I will be more able to love others as I should. Amen.

*Life Application Study Bible, New Living Translation

Oct 15th, 2018, Mon, 7:33 am