Quite a day, Father! I was at work at 6:00 a.m. with an unusual arrangement of events. Back at it again tomorrow with truck number three for the store this week. Many of my coworkers have labored for several years in this situation and they are weary and worn – help me to be a positive, loving influence in their lives. May I shine brightly! Amen.
Matthew 23:1-4 (<<click to read the passage)
My study Bible* makes an interesting statement about this passage – one I had never really thought about.
“Jesus did not condemn what the Pharisees taught but what they were – hypocrites.”
But as I thought about it, the teachers of the Law and Jesus butted heads a lot! But you never hear him say anything negative about their teachings. They were a bit nitpicky but their teachings were solidly based on the Law. And in reality they did know the Law inside and out – it’s just that they didn’t live it!
How many of us “churchy” types deal with this issue? We know all the rules and regulations and readily make others aware when they miss the mark on obedience. We are quick to point out certain things that we find abhorrent but just as quickly ignore our own fallibilities.
For example, we may call attention to someone’s inability to control their liquor because they enjoy drinking but don’t think twice about the extra 50 pounds we carry around because we just love to eat. Is drunkenness a bigger sin than gluttony?
Proverbs 23:20-21 states,
Do not carouse with drunkards or feast with gluttons, for they are on their way to poverty, and too much sleep clothes them in rags.
Looks like they are pretty much in the same basket. Humility goes a long way.
How quick are we to “crush” others to lift ourselves up?
Lord, help me to not think too highly of myself. I have issues, too. They may just not be like other people’s issues. As always may I see people as You see people and act accordingly. Amen.
*Life Application Bible New Living Translation
Oct 17th, 2018, Wed, 7:21 pm
Wow this hits in many different ways and yet gets one back on path and off what we may have thought of others but not of ourselves. Thanks.