Father, as my head hit the pillow I realized we had not sat down together today. I know You were with me as a road along my route – good conversation with the driver and the kids. I know You were by my side as I continued to work on Sunday’s service. But now, it is important that we sit and I write. Help me to garner what I need from You this night. Amen.

Matthew 26:50-56 (<<click to read the passage)

Lord, as I read through this passage I realize that though there may be all kinds of things happening from numerous sources of authority, ultimately You are in charge. Judas thought he had the upper hand. We are told in John 18:10  that it was Peter who lashed out in his own power, slashing off the ear of the priest’s slave. The “crowd of men armed with sword and clubs” under the authority of the “leading priests and elders of the people” knew they would get what they were after. But again ultimately You, and You alone, are in charge.

When Peter attempted to step forward Your reply was to the point.

“Do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will immediately provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?” v53AMP 

A legion consisted of 6,000 troops. In the blink of an eye Lord, You could have had 72,000 angels for the asking! …but You didn’t…

Your own answer to Your question was,

“How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen this way?” v54AMP 

You knew what needed to be done. You would have done it another way but this way was the only way and You resolutely moved forward – for You knew that our salvation depended upon it.

Lord, thank You for not opting out. You could have…but You didn’t. Your love for us overruled it all. And thank You doesn’t begin to cover it…

Nov 29th, 2018, Thurs, 9:25 pm