Father, help me to always keep You at the forefront of my life. Through thick and thin, help me to follow You with my whole heart, holding nothing back. Struggles and heartache will surely come but help me to cling to You. Wonderful blessings will surely come, as well, but in those times let the glory go to You and You alone!

Colossians 2:6-7 (<<click here)

…continue to follow CHRIST

…let your roots grow down in CHRIST

…build your lives on CHRIST

Doing these things will cause our faith to grow stronger in truth and will cause our thankfulness to overflow!

Lord, there’s a lot in these two verses! If I am consistent in following You (continue) I will be solidly grounded (roots grow down) and will be enabled to build on You as a solid foundation that will not be moved – my contribution to the building of Your kingdom will be strong and true.

Yesterday’s Our Daily Bread reading ties in here! Deuteronomy 8:11-20 stresses that when we take the credit for the blessings You’ve given us that we will fail! I can’t take the building materials You give me and use them to build what I want, where I want.  A weak foundation and shoddy construction only lead to calamity! When I am obedient and give You the credit my faith will remain strong and gratitude will come naturally.

Lord, help me to always be looking to You for guidance and wisdom and strength and courage to accomplish the tasks a hand. Fill my thoughts and actions, so I will be a light for You shining brightly in a dark world!

June 10, Wed, 7:00 am