Father, thank You for a good Sabbath day. Thinking of this morning’s services, I would ask that You would call us all to prayer. We so desperately need to be in a closer, more intimate relationship with You. Woo us, may we be drawn to Your side each and every moment. Amen.

Mark 1:35-39 (<<click to read the passage)

Simon [Peter] and his companions searched [everywhere, looking anxiously] for Him, and they found Him and said, “Everybody is looking for You!” vs. 36-37AMP

We all like a good show. What if your favorite performer turned up at your door and put on a fabulous performance. People from miles around had shown up and the crowd all knew that your guest was staying in your home that night.

Everybody got tucked in for the night but first thing the next morning, you go to get them for breakfast and they are gone! What in the world? Where are they? And soon thereafter a ton of your “friends” show up wanting an encore performance but they are nowhere to be found! The search would be on!

Wouldn’t you search high and low? Wouldn’t your anxiety mount with every passing moment? And when you finally did find them wouldn’t you be just a little exasperated when you exclaimed, “Everyone is looking for You!”

Now I realize the Jesus is far greater than any “here-today-gone-tomorrow” performer and that He came to earth with a heavenly mission guiding His every thought and move and most definitely not to entertain!  …but you get the picture.

His “companions” didn’t understand. They had no clue as to what was going on. They didn’t know where He had gone! They needed to find Him…and fast! People were waiting for Him to do His “thing” again!

Jesus’ response when they finally found Him?

“Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so I may preach there also; that is why I came [from the Father].” v.38

Jesus hadn’t come just to keep us entertained – He came to be about His Father’s business.

Do we sometimes get caught up in the “show” and forget what it’s all about? Even devout followers can get so caught up in details and stats and outcomes that we forget that there is absolutely nothing more important than Jesus himself. He is the focal point and nothing else matters one bit. Without Him, we are just entertaining ourselves.

Lord Jesus, may we keep our focus on You. As You fill our hearts may we be about the heart of Your ministry in our world of influence. Fill us. Use us. Amen.

Jan 27th, 2019, Sun, 8:04 pm